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Hopes were... still are? high, but after logging 5K miles dragging that bullet back and forth to TN and back twice, not sure I got it in me for another 18 hr ONE-WAY pull over there. Some beautiful countryside though................. someone convince me it's gonna be worth it!
overhere you have 5 bigger meetings of boats. everytime i'm thinking mmmm i don't know. but it's less than 7 days the mood turns around and it's yesssss!!
i never regret it.
this list should be qouted, no adding in someone else name, add your name, or un add your name and post it.
the result is a list of members who will be there. including non members who will be there.

first avator name, second real first name, model boat, total persons in your name.
1. SENATOR HOLLAND, helmich, no boat, 1 person.
2. RNGRDVE, dave, starfire?, 2 persons (incl wife)
3. Problem Child ,Jeff, Persuader 235, 4 partiers total ( Fletcher Crew)
4. 2tonchevy, Max Moore, 2800sx, a boat full
5. jjg, Jeff, Pulsare1850, 2 persons
6. Check185,Will, Pulsare1850, 2 persons
7. Cooperider,Barry, Persuader170, at least one person, maybe two.
8. wldhorse86, Eric, convincor 270br, 2 persons
9. Gimme Fuel, Ron, 253 Convincor, 2 persons
10. DropTop5.0, Chris & Satasha , Pulsare 2100, 2 persons and some beer.
11. John Lamon, John, blow up row boat, 1 person
12. Slingblade,Jeff and Debbie,260 Enforcer,and lot's of Beer
13. kalugs22, Aaron, V-Mate II or Pulsare 2100br, 1 Person and a Cooler
14. ckaluger, Chuck, Pulsare 2100br, 1 Person
15. Merc245, Jeff, 92 Starflite, Myself & player to be named later
16. jodan705, Jordan, 283 Convincor, 4 persons
17. corey331, Corey, 253 Convincor, 2 people
18. 1989checkmate, Tom, 259 Convincor, 3 people, maybe 5
19. horseplay1, Doug & Mindy 253 convincor plus 2 LUSHES Women
20. High Voltage, John & Michele, 2400 brx, plus 2
21. jason_martin, Jason, 253 Convincor, ? persons
22.Check 253, Bill and Monica. 300 Convincor.
23. W Vaughan Entertainer 8 persons.
24. Fastcheckmate, Pat & Liz Blazin fast 259 Convincer

more? anyone?
im in its only an hr from me, hope to have the enforcer all together by then. it will be a good time to see what she can do wide open with the 300x on there
At the first one, Grider Hill worked well and is pretty much centrally located on the lake. I'll have camp Mercury up and running again. Have room for 3 more adults on the site! Looking forward to this weekend too!
At the first one, Grider Hill worked well and is pretty much centrally located on the lake. I'll have camp Mercury up and running again. Have room for 3 more adults on the site! Looking forward to this weekend too!

Grider is actually the farthest thing from centrally located on the lake since its like 4-5 miles from the dam, and there is another 60-70 miles of lake up from it. However, it is the "hub" for the events of the weekend.

You'll most likely find me in a cove somewhere near the dam sleeping in the cuddy.
We typically go to Conley bottom to launch then there's a subdivision that has a ramp to the water that we drive to and camp on. But there suppose to be raising the lake and if that is the case then are camping spot will be under water. Lol!
The lake is up 20' from where it was last year and its awesome. Was down there this past weekend and it looked great! Next year they are bringing it up the remaining 20' and I can't wait!!
Nice so was party cove "the original" not Harmon creek happening last weekend? I love it when the lake was up!