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Michigan Mate Events?

Island is fine, use to hang out around there p[rior to getting a slip on Cass lake. Easy run. Use to hang out at Belle River on the Canadian side. Put in on the detroit river just over the border from GPP. It's been some 16 years since I've been on ST Clair.
you guys thinking soon? or mid summer?? i forgot i gotta install a new water pump.

i also have to repair some tiny tiny blisters on the bottom of the boat. and repaint the midsection and lower unit.
The earlier in the year the better for me, have a baby set to show up around the first of August. Still working on getting my Enticer ready for the water though. Can my 16.5' make it in the water we're talking about? Never been out there myself.
Any thoughts? I'd definitely like to run out there, as long as I can avoid getting swallowed up!

if its a weekday thing. of course.. friday is usually good. saturday can be rough and sunday is sketchy.
if we do it earlier in the season i think it will be better overall.
theres still just fisherman on the river on the weekends

jlehman if you wanna go. and your worried about the 16 footer your welcome to tag along with me
Thanks for the offer! I really WANT to run my boat over there, just would rather not ruin it on its maiden voyage. I'm sure it helps a ton to know a little about the area before heading out...

if its a weekday thing. of course.. friday is usually good. saturday can be rough and sunday is sketchy.
if we do it earlier in the season i think it will be better overall.
theres still just fisherman on the river on the weekends

jlehman if you wanna go. and your worried about the 16 footer your welcome to tag along with me
Thanks for the offer! I really WANT to run my boat over there, just would rather not ruin it on its maiden voyage. I'm sure it helps a ton to know a little about the area before heading out...

if you ever wanna get out during the week ill show ya around. when its smooth its really really nice
I Use to run allover St.Clair in my sportfire.Its only about 4 miles across Anchor Bay over to Harsens Island and the channels.There's really no reason to get out the the bigger part of the lake.Use the DNR boatramp at the end of south river rd and practicly out in the center of Anchor Bay to start.

http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=lake St. Clair &um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=il

Get off I-94 heading east towards Selfridge ANGB DNR launch is right there.

If you head NE on Jefferson there are also 2 or 3 before you get to Algonac.

I always launch at the one in Algonac simply cause it puts my little hull directly in the North channel and I don't have to cross the lake, but any
of them will get you to the party.
yea i always launch at south river rd or selfridge, never had too big of a problem crossing in my sportfire but i do like hitting some waves.....makes me feel like i have a 18ft jet ski!
I believe Merc245 proposed a couple dates a while back, and there definitely seems to be interest. (I can't yet commit cause I don't have my boat back) Up for review are:

May 24
June 7

Anyone? Other dates to propose?
What day is that?? I may be able to make it, but doubt I'll stay out there that long- I don't think I can pack enough in the coolers to sustain myself that long!
The jobbie is always the last friday of june. this yrs falls on the 27th.I won't make it this yr as of today.