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Michigan Mate Events?

Based on a couple of videos illmattic has posted here, the Saginaw River would definitely be an option. Could we compare/contrast the Saginaw vs the Anchor Bay run?

Where can you put in on the Saginaw?
I kinda LIKE to get IN the water and ENJOY it.And I run past enough Idustrail sites here down river.My vote is for Anchor BAY/HARSENS ISLAND/ST.CLAIR:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:.Plus theres several nice eateries either on Clinton river or Browns on the middle channel on Harsens.Just the whole Area is more scenic and BOATER FRIENDLY!!!!!!

They moved the Detroit poker back to June 21 opening Sat May 31 for me, or the 7th of June or ?:poke:

I'll put a get together on top of my priority list.:thumb:
Based on a couple of videos illmattic has posted here, the Saginaw River would definitely be an option. Could we compare/contrast the Saginaw vs the Anchor Bay run?

Where can you put in on the Saginaw?
Their are many in Saginaw & Bay City, from Vet's park in Bay City going toward the bay you will have to deal with a long nowake zone, I'm guessing close to 3 miles or so :(
There is plenty of space to run wide open on the Saginaw river. If thats not good enough you can head out to the bay. The no wake zone is annoying, but at the end is Hooters.
plus i have a nice spot i go to on the south channel on the backside of russel island, to clean the bottom of my boat

shallow clay bottom. with a beach. NO wake zones . he he he
There is plenty of space to run wide open on the Saginaw river. If thats not good enough you can head out to the bay. The no wake zone is annoying, but at the end is Hooters.
I agree between Bay City & Saginaw you can drop the hammer for a long way.
I hear ya on the Hooter's too, goog food & veiws :drool:
I still think a Saginaw river run could be organized easily.....there are enough mate owners around this area to do so!
I will make it up to old orchard for memorial and labor day weekends. I'll be on the saginaw river for July 4th.

I would love to make it for another checkmate gathering as well.

I'm off the entire 4th July week this yr.I could make a quick run up to the Sag. for a day or so!:cheers:
Id like to bring the trimate II out . Had it out on the detroit river but thats alittle rough for it . Really get knocked around out there . Its not to bad though back behind grosse ile going out into lake erie near humbug marina. But would prefer a inland lake . The saginaw river though would be fun And im off the week of the 4th in july . I just might be able to make that run ...
saginaw river is good for the 4th. there are many boats and we can run out on the Saginaw bay and tie up at the state park. there are hundreds of boats out there.
i'm in for the saginaw river on the 4th. i'm on vacation that entire week after the fourth and headed to houghton lake, so we can make a stop in saginaw!!
That's cool. I'll try to make it as long as you fit it into my vacation that starts with Jobbie Nooner and ends in mid August :banana: