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Michigan Mate Events?

As long as the weather forcast stays true, I will be out on the Saginaw River on Saturday. Hope to see some other boats out. I will get some good pics to post.
As long as the weather forcast stays true, I will be out on the Saginaw River on Saturday. Hope to see some other boats out. I will get some good pics to post.

what about a weekend at houghton lake????? lets get this thing together:eyecrazy:
i hope to have the predictor back together and in the water by saturday afternoon, im gonna hit the saginaw river..
houghton lake

sorry ross for not getting right back to you.

Any body have a weekend in mind?
Let's have it in sometime in june.

My wife god parents have a bed and breakfest about a hour from houghton lake.
That is where my wife and I will stay.

plus there is a lake there to

late june works.....

who all can make it?????
do we want to go to houghton or higgins?:surf::surf::surf:
I think we'll be on Higgins starting the day after JobbieNooner. Well, we probably get there sometime Saturday and be there for who knows how many days. Staying just west of the State Park. Ross, we might even pop over to Torch sometime that week before the fourth. It's all up in the air right now. Wife's got the 26th through the 6th off so have boat will travel:banana:
I think we'll be on Higgins starting the day after JobbieNooner. Well, we probably get there sometime Saturday and be there for who knows how many days. Staying just west of the State Park. Ross, we might even pop over to Torch sometime that week before the fourth. It's all up in the air right now. Wife's got the 26th through the 6th off so have boat will travel:banana:

sounds like we may have somewhat of a plan here:cheers::banana::banana:
I think we'll be on Higgins starting the day after JobbieNooner. Well, we probably get there sometime Saturday and be there for who knows how many days. Staying just west of the State Park. Ross, we might even pop over to Torch sometime that week before the fourth. It's all up in the air right now. Wife's got the 26th through the 6th off so have boat will travel:banana:

does that mean you'll be on LSC on that friday!
I'm off the something like the 20th-06 at that time.
Yes, we'll be there Friday--wouldn't miss LSC on the 26th. Thinking I'll probably slip at Jacks on Friday night. You headed out there?
So far I plan to be there,properly have a few co-workers in tow also!
Hope dogschool and friends make it to!:cheers:
i'm definatly in for the houghton/higgins weekend. either lake doesn't matter to me. and i will also be at jobbie on the 26th