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PROJECT: Clean StarFlite

One of the greatest feelings is the satisfaction of looking back at a boat project you tackled yourself and seeing the outcome of your hard work and effort when it all comes together!:thumb: Well done Keith! It's time to enjoy some boating!
Great Job

Keith, Thanks again. boat looks very nice for a 26yr old. Let Candace know what your beverage of choice is and I'll be sure she brings plenty for you at the bash.
I have the same boat just picked it up last winter its an 87 same design and everthing my boat needs the same amount of love. anyway you could tell me some steps to take in the right direction to get looking like what you did.
There's a thread on here I started a couple of years ago with pretty detailed information about what I used an in which order.
I have the same boat just picked it up last winter its an 87 same design and everthing my boat needs the same amount of love. anyway you could tell me some steps to take in the right direction to get looking like what you did.

I wet sanded with 800,1200 and 2000.
I then used Mequiars 105 ultra cut compound on a buffer/grinder not a da at 1200 rpm using foam pad. The black was hot so I keep a spray bottle and spray the compound to keep it workable.
Then Meguiars ultimate compound the same as above.
Then Turtle wax polishing compound because I had it already on a da palm buffer.
Then Megiars carnauba wax by hand twice using microfiber rags.

Hope yours turns out as well.


I use Mothers VLR on the vinyl and rubber.
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I love before and after shots of a project and it just doesn't get much better than that.
Having done several myself I was feeling the pain just seeing the "before" shots.
Especially the splash well which I also know to hate ;)

Gorgeous job.

I know on every one I've done, I'd get about 1/2 way through day #1 and think, what the hell was I thinking!

Again, great job. Not sure if I'd be more afraid of getting it in the sun or water on the hot deck in the sun :)