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PROJECT: Clean StarFlite

Put in a few more hours today waxing that azz. Worked from the rear seat back.


Just let me state, I think splash wells suck and are a pita to get buffed out.


Got dark on me so I ended with just getting the first buff on it. Looks like its gonna shine up nice.
So...if you were to do it all over again, would you pull off the windshield, hand rail and cleats? I need to do mine...not sure if I should pull all that stuff or not?
That's how I did mine. At the minimum the next time I do it I'll be pulling the cleats and rail. Takes 15 minutes with a screw gun, a wrench, and a helper. Windshield wasn't that hard either and gave me a chance to re-rivet any that were loose, missing, or replaced with sheet metal screws.

So...if you were to do it all over again, would you pull off the windshield, hand rail and cleats? I need to do mine...not sure if I should pull all that stuff or not?

I didn't pull anything on this project because it was basically not in the job description and I didn't want to get into the broken off nuts and bolts etc. I can work around all the stuff and have it look fine. Its not a show piece just alot better then before piece.

I would say for you and your case, take off as much as you can. It will make it alot easier and probaly take less time to pull stuff off then to do the hand detailing around everything.
Washed all the compound residue off and had full sunshine to see all the work that still needed to be done. I've always had black cars so I knew what I was in for when the sun hit her. Surprised it looked better then I thought it would. Black is a tuff color to polish back up and look good in the sun.. I also noticed the rails on this aren't bolted threw like on mine so I did go ahead and pull the rails, gas filler, nav lights and any snaps that were in the black. Made for a much quicker and cleaner job.

Thinking I can finish polishing and wax her up tommorow and call it good.
Got her all finished up and ready to go. I'm pleased with the results but had to tell myself thats enough or I'd keep going till I finally just stripped it and repainted.
Its going to have to stay covered and spot polished as I know some spots will come back thats just how it works when they get that bad and being black doesn't help. It will be much easier to keep up with now that a great amount of oxidation was cut off.
Good job Keith, that looks awesome.
I think I have about 8-10 hours in the bow of my boat alone and I'm not done yet. Mines probably ready for paint but I think I'll stick with polishing it for a season or two once it's done.