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Project "Wasted Income"

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Aluminum heads,custom cam grind, distributor and Lighting headers from Mkhammer.
Thought I would throw a plug in there Brian.
Yep, Mike set me up on almost all of my parts. He knows how to make em run as he promised. For as slow as he runs in a go cart, he sure knows how to make a boat motor run:poke:
Amazing how that thing runs when Sally ain't around!:poke: I don't know if i would let him back in your boat.:lol:
Well... you know how well everything I own runs- fast and every time... they are both superboats after all- don't matter who is in my boat :cool:.

All I keep hearing from down that way is "man, this thing is running great!".. I asked about gps #s and all I get is some rpm bs. Hell, I can spin up some crazy revs, but its the #s that count :poke:.
I just hope I can get me some actual #s from that big pimpin purple boat:popcorn: AND when the time comes to show me, don't leave no doubt about it.:bigthumb:

MK- it is some nice hardware............. for a small block:devil: You better setup my boy with some serious sh*t when it comes to that BBC if he's gonna run wit dis her bote:D
Hell, I can spin up some crazy revs, but its the #s that count :poke:.
Mid 70's but the thing is, I don't look like a monkey fu*king a football while driving it. Its very stable at speed till the blow out and even then, its still straight :thumb:You know with me its not just about how fast it goes but more so how easy it is to drive. Plus I don't have to worry about a twig breaching the sides of the boat!
Whats this blow out???? Is what happens after you drink one or two Hudy's?:D

These boats are built like battleships with the offshore race records to prove it. I have no idea what you're talkin about wit them twigs. Just cuz its a paper thin light layup don't mean its not tough.. just faster per hp than dem other brands.

I need to put you behind the wheel of the 21 on flat water.. show you what easy drivin is all about.. if my mom didn't complain about the ride at 83, I figure you should be able to handle it... unless you can't drive or sumthin :poke:.

And don't worry, I'm takin care of the 24s slopy helm/cable steering.. I saw you struggling to drive it over 70... no excuses now dude.:D

If you're runnin fast, don't matter how hard you have to work the wheel to keep it straight- fast is fast! End of story.:cheers:
What are you talking about Ron, I was the only one to show up to the owners rally with 2 women under my arms.
You haven't seen how I roll yet......haha
NOW If only you would get that trollin mota bolted up and come down and hang with us :poke: You don't have to be the fastest on water but you at least have to run while unloading off the trailer and going through idle zone. From there we can drag you to the party cove :thumb:
NOW If only you would get that trollin mota bolted up and come down and hang with us :poke: You don't have to be the fastest on water but you at least have to run while unloading off the trailer and going through idle zone. From there we can drag you to the party cove :thumb:

:lol:That is swell of you!:bigthumb: That is what friends are for right there.....:cheers:
If you ain't gotta a ride we can hook you up,but we won't make you stay in a Super Boat!!!:devil:

Thank god........like the ancient squabble between Chevy and Ford guys....

I would rather tow my Checkmate than be in a Super Boat.....

Im not a homophobe or anything....buuuutttt,,,,,those guys are a little gfight.gifif you know what I mean.....:poke:
Thank god........like the ancient squabble between Chevy and Ford guys....

I would rather tow my Checkmate than be in a Super Boat.....

Im not a homophobe or anything....buuuutttt,,,,,those guys are a little gfight.gifif you know what I mean.....:poke:
You are safe with me,the only thing you will need to watch out for is monsters!!!!!!:lol:
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