So I went out with ndaniels on 10/29/10. As were are running up river, I felt a little boggle out of her so I stopped and left her idle. As I opened the hatch all I saw was oil spraying all over everything.

I jumped up and shut her down. Nick and I went back and looked over the engine and could not see much other than we knew it was coming from the back of the engine. We grabbed the oar and started rowing.

But what any self respecting couple of men would do, it was away from the ramp. You see on the KY side of the river was a bar! We went over and grabbed a few beers and a 6 pack to go before facing the rowing back to the OH side!

We got about 2/3 way there and a couple in a old restored boat stopped and threw us a line. They got us to the public landing where we tied up and waited for a ride to the truck and trailer. 20 minutes later, she was back on the trailer and heading home!
3 washes simple green, purple power and dawn later she was clean. After careful inspection, I found the 1/8"NPT pipe that the oil pressure sender hooks to sheared off and that was the source of the oil. $.95 later she was fixed and $30 worth of oil she was running. I am so glad she had a little boggle in her and I stopped before it ran out of oil!
This makes the second time Nick was less than 30' from the boat when it broke down so he is no longer allowed to even look at it!!!
Well took it out Tuesday for the last time. I switched props from a 26p bravo 4 blade to the 26p turbo 3 blade. I went from turning 5k with good handling to 6k with amazing handling!!! The acceleration is awesome! 4k to 6k, boat rocks to port about 4* then back straight as it pops onto its pad and slams you back into the seat. She pulls hard all the way to 6K with no hesitations. Speed on speedo was 75-76 before blowout happened causing me to slow down. The speedo is almost dead on what GPS is from past measurements. I would say with a nose cone, it has the ability to run into the upper 70's now. I would like to install the nose cone, run it and see what it does then rework the 26p turbo to a 27p. However the boat gets winterized sunday so I just don't see this happening. Go figure, I get the bugs worked out and its the end of the season!!!
The best part is where I was boating at it Aurora, IN where my neighbor owns Tradewinds marina. When I got it loaded and back up to the service area, Him and his 2 mechanics were there. They all were talking about how bad ass this thing sounds. You can not see the river from the shop, there is a creek that connects the harbor to the river and there is a thick woods area, train tracks, and walking path that blocks it! The one thought it was a modded BBC in there! When he asked, it was "how you running an alpha with that BBC?" I had to pop the hatch and show off the old 305

Somehow he knew it wasn't a 305