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Project "Wasted Income"

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NOW If only you would get that trollin mota bolted up and come down and hang with us :poke: You don't have to be the fastest on water but you at least have to run while unloading off the trailer and going through idle zone. From there we can drag you to the party cove :thumb:

thats funny!!
all this s#*t talking i might just have to make my way down to the owners rally to see for my self my mate is gone so does that mean im gonna be ostracized with the superboat
so does that mean im gonna be ostracized with the superboat

Come on down!!!

Only one problem I see with it: if there is another dude there in somthing other than a CM, it might steal a little of my thunder.. I'm sure I'll get over it, though :bigthumb:
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im hoping for 7/9 the other date is my wedding reception so if i miss that it will be a quick divorce
Yella- You KNOW I'm counting on you for a TON of help with my re-do of my juml!! MUCH luv to ya bother! Dave. Love your thread- you have SOOOO impressed me !!!! Ur 'da man!!:cheers:
I'll PM you my number so when you get ready, I can walk you through it. I'm always eager to lend a hand and share what I know :thumb:
Sir Brian, master of all things knowledge, Please with all respect your highess, dont let that go to your head
Its funny, he is the 5th person that has talked my boat up this week. I still believe every squirrel finds a nut. Don't get me wrong, I built it and I know EVERY flaw in it. It does make me feel good when I hear things like "its so well documented", "great job", "its my favorite boat", etc.

However if I do have someone else comment one it.... I might have to get the number for your hat maker Ross ;)

Nah, those that know me will agree I am anything but arrogant when it comes to my work. I'm always willing to lend a hand or direction on how to get the best results, I learned from someone so I will pass it on to the next guy :thumb:
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