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Project "Wasted Income"

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Got the hatch blacked and primered again friday night. It looks real good and should be ready for paint!!

Water testing was a ordeal to say the least.

#1~ Lost a wheel bearing on the way to the lake. New items from northern tool. Fresh grease before we left. Guess poo happens :irked:
#2~ Shift interupt was grounded to the head. Turns out the heads are not a good enough grounding point for it. Easy fix, put ground to block and shift problem was fixed! :)
#3~ Lost water pressure after a high speed run. I shut it down during the run as I saw the temp creeping up. Upon inspection, supply hose between PS oil cooler and thermostat housing would crush when motor was fired up. Brand new SEI installed impeller but I am thinking for some reason, it failed.:brickwall:

Boat did run good and the nose cone did help in how it goes through the water. I had it up to 5500rpm when I noticed the temp coming up. I was not looking at the speed so I have no ideal what kind of speed I was going. There was lots of chop so I was watching water conditions and oil and temp gauges. BTW, I had cooler, tools, big duffle bag of clothes, etc, The entire nose was full of stuff plus me and Megan and she still ran strong :surf:

Hopefully, it will be better conditions next weekend and I will be able to run it without any issues! :banana:
BTW, I had cooler, tools, big duffle bag of clothes, etc, The entire nose was full of stuff plus me and Megan and she still ran strong :surf:

Hopefully, it will be better conditions next weekend and I will be able to run it without any issues! :banana:
time to get a bigger boat if you have to worry about the normal gear youre gonna bring aboard slowing you down just kidding im hoping everything works out for you and it goes like hell
What the hell, you left Hudy at home! :shakehead: What, was he hung over from the night before?

Glad to hear the hatch is coming along. Hopefully you will work out the kinks of your water pressure issue.
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What the hell, you left Hudy at home! :shakehead: What, was he hung over from the night before?

Glad to hear the hatch is coming along. Hopefully you will work out the kinks of your water pressure issue.
Hell yeah, Hudy was hung over. Brian put Hudy in my boat so he didn't hurl in his,thankfully he didn't in mine. After that Hudy started drinking again and it was on!We went to the Thunder Run after party at Grider and he was chasin' all the girls! Can't take him anywhere!!!!!!!!! LOL:cheers:
more issues? man i hope you get all the bugs worked out;) abby and i ran with a 42' fountain today:D yea that was before all of the oil in the motor compartment:shakehead: one of us will have a boat for the rally anyways:thumb:
So she is all done now except for a couple touches I might add. She ran perfect at the owners rally and was more than pleased to say it will go as fast as I feel it should! I ended up chunking another hub on the same spindle so I put a brand new axle under the trailer. I am thinking the spindle was bent causing undue wear on the bearings. I got a good 40 miles out of the $60 hub kit :irked:.
After the rally, I brought it home and have been working on scrubbing it. I also oiled the swim platform and locker again. I also got to polish the wheels and I want to do more interior work under the deck!
Hatch turned out Great. Boat still looks awsome. Nice

I have to agree 1000%!! I love the hatch!! I've always loved the stock Enchanter hatch, but Brians just looks bad a$$!! I wonder how hard it would be to find a replacement hatch, i'd like to do something like that for mine eventually but i don't want to cut up my stock origional piece, it's in way to good of shape to mess with.
I can say that the hatch might have been one of the least fun projects on the boat. Plus I had no ideal what I was going to make it look like till the resin had dried. I just started cutting and shaping Styrofoam till it fit and I thought it was going to finish good. Then wrapping it tight with foil and packing tape so it didn't melt. No matter how well I wrapped, it got in and melted almost every piece!! Luckily it was firm enough to hold shape! I was thinking I needed pads on each side but I like the hard look of it.
Ran this weekend at cumberland. Still been running my 26p 3 blade turbo prop. I also have a 26p bravo 4 blade that I just did not like with the stern jack. Well before leaving today, I bolted the bravo on and let it eat......... I have to say without the stern jack, I love the prop. It poped it out of the hole and on plane in 1/2 the time as the 3 blade. Seemed more responsive to trim. More stable steering. And, I was still able to spin it to 5600+!!! Had a great cruise up the lake running 45mph at about 3100rpm with a few hammer down bursts. I think I need more time with this prop :bigthumb:

Next items are storage/cooler area in the engine compartment. Lift struts on hatch. Some work under the front. And maybe some more paint work......... ;)

Next items are storage/cooler area in the engine compartment. Lift struts on hatch. Some work under the front. And maybe some more paint work......... ;)

Hey Brian, i've been looking for a set of lift struts for the hatch on my boat, mine won't hold the hatch up anymore and i just use a stick. My Dad works for an auto parts wharehouse so i gave him one of my struts to see of they had anything that would work, or could cross reference and find a set but have had no luck. Are you going with and electric set-up or just OEM gas type struts?? Just curious cuz if you know where to get them or what would work i'd like to know!! Can you get them right from Checkmate?
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