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Project "Wasted Income"

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Motor is all lined up and bolted down. Exhaust is done. Stern jack is prepped to go on.

Still need: connect wiring. fuel line to pump. prime oil system. install thermostat housing. bolt down carb. polish sternjack and install. With fingers crossed, water on friday. :surf:
WOW!!! I have just read this whole redo from start to finish! GREAT WORK!!! Now I want to do one! I am new and just wanted to say congrats on the sweet 'Mate! Can't wait for more updates and a video of the new setup!
Motor is all lined up and bolted down. Exhaust is done. Stern jack is prepped to go on.

Still need: connect wiring. fuel line to pump. prime oil system. install thermostat housing. bolt down carb. polish sternjack and install. With fingers crossed, water on friday. :surf:

cant wait to see them numbers! congrats and good luck on friday!:bounce:
Got the Sternjack installed tonight. Install was not that bad, still got to do some modification work here and there and also to the trim cyl's. Using alpha 2 trim cyl's on a alpha 1 setup. Just need slight mod to the hard lines and also bushings where the bolt in. My deadbeat painter was feeling lazy so it got polished instead of painted as well!!
I like how it looks without paint.Only question is will it stay like that or rust?
Its aluminum so it will stay like that. It will die out and I will have to re polish it every so often unless I seal the aluminum.

I got the entire outdrive done today with trim cyl's hooked up and working. If I knew what I know now, I would have had my old ones extended because these are not long enough to trim all the way up like I would like it to. I did cut some of the swim platform off so I can trim it up. It looks like if they were another 1 1/2" longer they would be perfect. With that outdrive way out there now, I worry about dragging the skeg. However it does go up even with the bottom of the trailer cross members. Thats about 12" off the ground. Hopefully the thermostat housing will be here tomorrow so I can fire it up and run this weekend.
Everything is ready to fire in the AM!!! Got the oil primed tonight. Finished some odds and ends and cleaned up the wiring. Still got to wire the bilge pump, cut the hatch for clearance and install a couple brackets on the sternjack that are at the machine shop.
PARENTAL ADVISORY Some content might be offensive to other "super" boats. Viewer discretion is advised :p :poke:

Got her running today. Thermostat housing came in around 1:30. From there I had to run and grab a few parts and me and Evan got her fired up. We ran it on the hose for about 1/2 hour and off to the river we went. The one thing right off the bat was the reverse is not working. I tested it and knew it was a problem before we left but today was the only day I had help so I wanted to get it wet. I will address that tomorrow with the other items.

So at the river we idle out to the main river and I am watching the engine, listening. This thing is very loud and nasty sounding compared to the old setup. Also the tips are no longer in the water with the massive diet it went on! It now sits very level in the water where as before, it sat ass low!! I got her up on plane and ran her at 2500 for .2hrs then up to 3000 for .2hrs then to 3500 for .2 hrs. From there I did some 2000-3500 runs just playing with the trim and getting a feel for the boat. The 26p turbo off the playmate spun up like it was a 17p. From there I started playing with it for a bit. I found it HATES any negative (down) or neutral trim. The more the better. It is very stable with lots of positive trim and shots one of the sweetest rooster tails off any I/O I have ever seen in my life. Most of them eggbeaters will be running for the hills when they see me coming:lol:. I got only 1 high speed run before I found a small oil leak and headed back in for the trailer. I will say it started at 2000rpm and cranked to 5700rpm with more left and set me back hard in the seat the entire pull. It kind of scared me how quick it jumped up and took off. I do know at 65 GPS, the enchanter jumps up on its pad and flies like superman!!!! When I say it jumps up, it like holding a ball under water and letting it go kind of jumps up;). I will say, I do not like spinning a motor that high even more so a new motor so I think I am going to pick up a big prop.

All and all, this is an amazing motor with amazing power. I still have some more dialing in to do on it and I need to decide what size prop and if I want a 3 or 4 blade prop. I do love how the turbo works, just need more pitch!
Great work Brian. I don't know how but I missed a good portion of this thread until tonight. I was exciting right up to the end. :cheers:

Yea, we need some sound. Can you get it to us in 4 channel stereo? :drool:

All BS aside I think it is runnin around 85 and it is still on dry land. :eyecrazy:

It was on dry land, I stand corrected!
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