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Project "Wasted Income"

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Got the motor about 90% done tonight.
Had some clearance issues on the windage tray that I am glad I found before putting it all back together. Did not even think about the longer stroke and the connecting rods were just about hitting it so I spaced it down with a couple washers and all is well again! I guess I am over thinking a lot of this motor but in this case, I am glad I went back and double checked everything:bigthumb:.
I am already getting a list together for this winter upgrades;)

Also who here HATES changing the oil? I know its a pain in the ass and I addressed it on this motor. With a 1/4"npt tap, I retapped the drain plug and installed a 1/4 turn valve and hose barb. This way, I can install a 3/8" piece of hose on it, run it out the drain plug hole and into a can. 10X better than pumping it out through the dipstick!
Looking good!!! When do you think you'll have it in the water? :thumb:
Hopefully 1 day before Mike gets his in the water:bigthumb: I have spent all my beer money on boat parts!!

The motor is getting closer:D
Every bolt is now stainless. I should be able to finish in less than an hour but still need a couple more upgrades. Plus I am trying to setup a water to oil cooler for the engine oil as well. I am also upgrading lots of parts for cosmetics or weight savings as well. I need to get all my AN fittings and hoses ordered for the fuel delivery and oil system tonight and by the end of the week order the headers:surf:
Brian that's looking good, It looks mean just sitting there. Should push your boat pretty good, Don't forget to put some zinc additive in,
I worked on mine today too, The guy is coming Thursday to re gel my transom. I will try to post picks tomorrow if I can, just been damn busy.

Did you have to redo any of the guacamole?
Did you have to redo any of the guacamole?
What did you just say:lol:
Yep I got the zinc additive sitting here in my mess of parts.

I am going to have to call about the alt I bought from DB electrical. The positive stud is free spinning and I can't get the ring terminal unbolted. I believe there is a warrenttee on it still, might have to upgrade to a prettier one while I am at it:thumb:
Hey Brian sorry ( a little) about the guacamole crack. Justin said he wants to paint his boat the same color so I showed him yours, he said cool that's the color I want.
Motor is wired, together and ready to come off the stand. First thing sunday morning, it will be down in the boat!! Pics and updates tomorrow night!
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