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Project "Wasted Income"

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project "Wa$ted Income"!

I WILL remind you of this statment every-so-often as motivation!:D

...and I'll be on the other shoulder reminding you to take your time and do it right the first time as you are spending a lot of time and $$ to overhaul a classic. :lol:

Oh damn it, more voices to deal with in addition to :devil: & :D. The bad thing is the :devil: makes more sence most of the time:poke:. LOL

Thanks guys, I will need some motivation every once and a while. It is easy to get burnt out working 80+ hrs a week then trying to find "boat" time. Not to mention having the kids (5yo & a 1yo)every other weekend.

Now I just might be wearing 3 layers, coveralls, ski mask, and be sitting on a lounge chair in the boat on dec 31st, but my goal is to have it back together (minus interior) before winter!
Ok I finally picked out the color. Lamborghini Verde Ithaca (Green)

I had a 01 CBR600F4I that was done in Lamborghini Arancio Borealis (orange pearl) and it was sweet. Lambo has some hot colors! I ordered a some of the color yesterday and it should be here today. This will give me a start on the base color. I need to decide on the graphics I want. Once I start, I cant go back!
That color is SICK....

and I have no problem being the :devil:!

I read thru all your truck rebuild threads, and it is quite obvious that quality or "doing it right" is never a worry with you!

Keep it up.
Wow, I am Impressed!!! You are doing everything I wanted to do with mine...well, we have put 2 engines after going from 4 cly to v8, and learned how to rebuild an outdrive
I never want to do that again!!
We completely removed the flotation boxes next to the engine, due to rot, and after putting in oak stringers to mount the V8 to with Daren34(and my other brother Gary) put in a low flat shelf for the batt and trim pump... You can get in next to the motor now with lots of room to move around. Still have to replace the lower shift cable we messed up when putting the drive back on but have been on the road so much have not had time to touch it.
Well power is back on after IKE rolled through cincy and I had a few extra hours to get some work done on it today. I got the rest of the paint work done below the rub rail complete with painted checkmate graphic. I will have to get pics next time since it was too dark by the time I was done to get good pics. The color really pops tho!




The wheels match the dually wheels I have. As for the paint, The checkmate is NOT a sticker, but paint. It is a HOC purple passion with a silver pearl shadowing. I got it buffed today and started to stripe it. I will finish the striping tomorrow then get it flipped back upright.
:eyecrazy: That looks incredible compared to where it was before. Great job on the cmate letter paint!!! Can't wait to see her all done! :cheers
This guy is talented!!!

Wow, love the color!
Even the blind squirrl finds a nut!

This project is looking like a future BOTM:surf:
I doubt it will be worthy of a BOTM, but hopefully.
looking great!! cant wait to see this one done!!
Your telling me. I should have finished the outboard first but then again, if I knew what a project this would have been, I would not have bought it. The time and money invested I could be on my outboard on the lake, today!
Well I got it flipped tonight but it was to dark to get pics of it. All I can say is WOW! I was speachless when I took my first look at it right side up. Total different look! I was smiling more than the first time I got laid!!!!! Now I am all worked up to get it done and put it into the garage to do the interior and reinstall the motor this winter. I will get some pics up in the next few days.
Damn fiberglass. Itch, itch, scratch.


Well as promised, pics of the boat the right side up!





I started with a small angle grinder and a 36 grit disc. Every crack was ground down. itch, itch, scratch. I then took some fiberglass mesh and glassed over all the cracks. I then ground it all down smooth and finished it with D/A'ing the entire top part with 80 grit. The next time out there I am going to do the bondo work smoothing out the rest of the body and getting some primer hosed on it. Itch, itch, scratch, scratch.
Oh yea, I also got some work done on the trailer. I cut it all up and got the new tounge, jack, and coupler all installed. I need to get me some tires so that I can mock up the fenders and side steps so that I can get some paint on it and wired up.

Think you can make it an outboard still??? LOL

It would save you from restoring the other CM.

Great work.....keep going. I get excited every time I see this thread in the Portal!:thumb:
LOL I love the sound of a outboard screaming up the water, however, there is nothing like the sound of a SBC rumbling with the tips bobbing in and out of the water waiting to be unleashed. I also like the fact the motor is not sticking up in the way also. I/O's seem to be less expensive than outboards (the word cheap and boat can never be used in the same sentence!)

I hate to say it, but I am going to sell the outboard CM this spring. I will prob finish the paint work and install carpet and throw it up on ebay with the 275 merc as a project boat.
I am planing on going out tomorrow and hopefully preping the boat for primer. I can not wait till I get it all painted as I have another project to start. I made a promise that I would not start it till the boat is in paint! I bought a totaled 03 volvo S40 sedan to replace my tired 00 impala cop car. Low miles, leather, every option, and turbo! Makes me think how a certian checkmate would run with boost..........:sssh:;)
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