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Project "Wasted Income"

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What wheels did you get for the trailer? They look great!!! :D
Thanks Mike. They are eagle alloy "058" 15"x7" with 225 75 R15 mounted to them. Eagle makes a great wheel that is very inexpensive ($232 for the set with caps and lugs). The only thing I am going to do is figure out how to install the bearing buddy behind the centercaps and make it so I can greese them without removing the wheel/cap (prob drill a hole through the cap).
Project wasted income strikes again!

Well back on it again.....you guys didnt think I forgot about it did ya?

Got some 4x6's for the trailer bunks but they will double as a cart while painting.

Off of the trailer and onto my cart!

Into the paint booth it goes. Yea not everything I do gets painted in the middle of a field:rof:


Paint time tomorrow....maybe;)
Well after most of the day sanding I finnaly got it sealed for paint!



And got it based in but before you look you better put on your sunglasses:rof:


It truely is bright as can be. I am still seeing a green haze on everything I look at! More to come!
Its painted!







What you think?:D

Has some old school scalops (with a little of my flare added) mixed with some new school trible art. I still got to stripe it and it will change the entire look of the work but after 18 hours in the booth today/night/morning, I need sleep.:sleep:
Thanks for the kind words guys. I dont do it professionaly (I work for the railroad) but more so out of a obsession. I am broke enough (like most) that I cant afford to have it done so I picked up a gun and started playing. I have progressed over the years and am now at ease when I take on a job like this!
Thanks for the kind words guys. I dont do it professionaly (I work for the railroad) but more so out of a obsession. I am broke enough (like most) that I cant afford to have it done so I picked up a gun and started playing. I have progressed over the years and am now at ease when I take on a job like this!

Can't take a look at your other projects here at work (I'm lucky I can even type this), but I'm curious how many projects were... less than optimal, before you atained this level of skill?

Also, is that a paint shop you're renting out time at somewhere, or did you re-do your garage?

The professional quality of the graphics is very impressive, especially over the entire deck. I have no talent for such things. I'm sure I'd have to map everything out with dozens of reference points/markers and I'd still screw it up. heh.

Again, very very nice.
From one railroader to another. WELL DONE. Boat looks great.
Thanks alot. Where and what do you do for them?

Can't take a look at your other projects here at work (I'm lucky I can even type this), but I'm curious how many projects were... less than optimal, before you atained this level of skill?

Also, is that a paint shop you're renting out time at somewhere, or did you re-do your garage?

The professional quality of the graphics is very impressive, especially over the entire deck. I have no talent for such things. I'm sure I'd have to map everything out with dozens of reference points/markers and I'd still screw it up. heh.

Again, very very nice.
Nothing that impressive yet. My last house was set up for working on cars. I had a 4 car heated garage with 12' celings and a 2 post lift.....damn EX:yell:. My new house is only equiped with a 1 car garage that I cant fit a car into with my tool box, welder, and other basic tool in. I am working on saving the cash for a detached garage.

My neighbor and good friend ownes a body shop and I do a little here and there for him. In exchange, I get to use his shop as needed.

As for fu*king jobs up......I truely lost count. I have messed up so many things and done them over thats its not even funny anymore. Hell I still have mess ups today. I put the plastic masking for the interior upside down. This ment the smooth side was up and getting painted. By the time I got to clearing it, it all dried and became brittle. The pressure from the clear coming out of the gun, blew it right off the plastic an onto the fresh clear in sheets of paint. And go figure the green side landed down leaving the light grey sealer exposed. Lucky for me it only landed on the dash under where the radio is so I think the dash might be satin black to cover it up:thumb:!
Got it pulled outside since Chip had to do some customer work. I finished unmasking it and started to stripe it. Typical, I forgot pics till the sun started to go down. Time for more pics:bounce:






Well its been just about cold enough to freeze my nutz off here. It was 15* the other night:shakehead:. I hate the cold! Anyway, I got the boat into the garage for the winter where I will be completing the floor, rerigging, and reinstalling the go-go. All this hopefully before spring:).

Yesterday it got up to 50* so I got a little motivated and pulled the trailer back into the shop. I got all the steps fabricated and welded on. I still have to get the bunk brackets, and the front winch assembly fabricated and installed then it will be ready for paint, lights, and a white and green checkmate sitting in it:banana:
Now I'm looking at it more closely and I think you have convinced me to loose the grab bars from my enchanter. The lines are really clean.
I wasn't too sure if I wanted to keep them or get rid of them at first. The more I see it, the more I am likeing the smooth modern look of "grabrailless" (I made that word up all on my own:DLOL) enchanter. The only thing is it will be a little harder to hold onto it at the dock without having a rope. I sure dont want people grabbing the windshield either since it will be a frame less windshield.

Now I need to decide if I am going with the stainless 6" cleats or if I want to spring the $$$ for the pop up kind. I love the look of the pop up's but dont like the price, and i already bought the 6" cleats.

I am also looking into rub rail. I DONT want the cheap looking plastic kind. I know its a good replacement for the original stuff but it does not do anything for me. The color keyed plastic wont match either so that is out. I did find this from taco metals. Its all polished aluminum and is exactly what I am looking for. Only one problem, I cant get them to sell it to me. I have to be a boat builder to buy from them. They gave me 2 places where I could buy it from wholesale but they want a $5000 per year buy in:irked:

Got my new gauges picked out also. I got the speedo, tach, fuel, and volt bought but still need the trim, oil pressure, water temp gauges. I am also wanting to get the matching depth gauge with water temp also. They are the Faria Chesapeake white face gauge set with stainless steel bezels. I did get it with the 80MPH speedo

:drool:Thats an amazing job on a huge undertaking,cant wait to see it alltogether.The one thing I se that wont work is the 60mph speedo, im sure youll have that buried.Great job
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