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Project "Wasted Income"

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Well I worked my nutz off on it today and got alot of blocking done and breathed in way to much bondo dust. I did the last of the bondo spreading and covered it up for the night. Tomorrow I will go out and block it and then do a glaze coat and finish sand it in 180 for primmer. :sleep:
My father (who had an entertainer, the open bow enchanter) and I both follow this thread with great interest yellowfiero88.

You're doing the enchanter proud.
Thanks guys!

Well the back has had me on the couch for the past few days. I did however pick up some scrap metal today. It was even bagged up for me!


Now I need to get my fiero project trans off the engine stand so I can start final build and paint of this pile of scrap metal :D
Well I hve to say I just finished looking at all your fiero build pics and stuff. I am thinking you must not be married and don't have any children yet. Keep up all the good work man the car is looking good. Anyone can restore a car but it takes alot extra to do a custom build plus they are more fun.:bigthumb:
Well I hve to say I just finished looking at all your fiero build pics and stuff. I am thinking you must not be married and don't have any children yet. Keep up all the good work man the car is looking good. Anyone can restore a car but it takes alot extra to do a custom build plus they are more fun.:bigthumb:
Divorced about a year ago have 2 kids together, 1 and 5 years old.

I have to agree that the builds are alot of fun. I am thinking about slowing down on them tho, they just are not as much fun as they used to be. Could be the lack of money due to outragous child support also tho:pissed:

I did buy the new tires today and got them mounted and ballanced. 225/75/15's. I guess I need to get to work to make some more money to finish this build asap.
Well I finished blocking yesterday. 36 grit, 80 grit, then followed by 180 grit. I then finished it with 220 on the D/A. It sucked A$$ big time! Today I went out and got it primered then guide coated so it is ready for wet sanding with 400 grit. I cant wait to get this painted so I can cover it up and forget about it for a short bit. I will still need to finish the core replacement and finishing the wood replacement in the engine bay.

And under a tree also :D Nothing like primering and having some leaves and maple seeds whirling their way down onto the fresh primer! LOL
You can always tell a precision backyard engineer's paint job by the occassional insect wing in the paint...
:lol: All i know is this boat is going to be the only flying checkmate ever with all the wings that are in the paint below the rub rail:lol:

The final top paint will be done in a booth so hopefully no wings in the top ( besides they produce down force that means more boat in water, more drag and no flying enchanter:rof:)
Yellow did you use a side angle grinder to cut the floor were it meets the side of the boat?
Yellow did you use a side angle grinder to cut the floor were it meets the side of the boat?

I felt like using a chain saw, flare, and a can of gas;)

But no I used a circular saw just deep enough to cut the fiberglass and a sawzall. I did grind all the surfaces with my 4 1/2" dewalt grinder with 36 grit before I glassed the new floor in tho.
LOL!!!! I cut my floor w/ a circular saw about 2" from the edge and was wondering how you got it loose from the side. I'm sure you can see it on the pictures I posted last night on my floor resto.
Windshield is going back on but will be changed around with a different profile. The grab rail is not going to go back on. I am also going to build a swim platform on the back.

Same thought I'm having when I restore my enchnater over the course of next year. I'm thinking of a color molded windshield with SS tube grab bars as it's frame. Also concealed hardware and rigging.

Great pic's keep them coming.
Great pic's keep them coming.

Good ideals I will be expecting pics of your as you do it!
Only if you insist on more pics:banana:


The new disc break setup was cake! Took longer to get the tools out than the entire install! I also installed the new idler hubs on the rear axles.

Looks so much better with the new rubber and aluminum:bounce:

Also got the new fenders mounted and preped the rails for the steps and guide poles to be done next.

Looks so good hooked up to the truck. Look even better painted with the painted boat sitting on there:devil:
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