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Project "Wasted Income"

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"Only one problem, I cant get them to sell it to me. I have to be a boat builder to buy from them."

Go out and create an LLC. ficticious company for $50 at your local county office. Call it "Grabrailless Boat Works and Restoration, LLC." As long as they do not have a min lenght to buy you should be all set. You might need a tax exempt number for wholesale? not sure? Then when you are done disolve the LLC.
Thanks. As soon as I get my volvo rebuilt I will get back onto it. I did order a bunch of stuff the other day so hopefully I wont need much more goodies to get her all together.
Well I got the gauges in the mail today:bounce:

Yesterday the ups guy brought me my exhaust tips. 4" tips should sound real good.

Maybe I need to get back to working on the boat.
It's great to see the effort in bringing these pride and joys back to life. The greatest gift is seeing the finished product and knowing you made it happen!:thumb:
Well I have been down for a few months. I had back surgery and I am on my way to a recovery. 2 rods, 4 screws, 2 plates and some bone did the trick. I still cant do anything but I am up and have some real good friends that are going to help with final assembly. I will be getting the boat test fitted on the trailer this weekend. I have to pick up the new wheels and tires because while down with my back someone thought they needed them more than I did. Of course the cops dont do **** to try and find them so I am forking out another $600+ for replacements.
Well I have been down for a few months. I had back surgery and I am on my way to a recovery. 2 rods, 4 screws, 2 plates and some bone did the trick. I still cant do anything but I am up and have some real good friends that are going to help with final assembly. I will be getting the boat test fitted on the trailer this weekend. I have to pick up the new wheels and tires because while down with my back someone thought they needed them more than I did. Of course the cops dont do **** to try and find them so I am forking out another $600+ for replacements.

I wondered what happen to you. Here's to a speedy recovery!!:cheers:
Damn, that sucks man, robbed while out of commission. That's just adding insult to injury (and literally so, I suppose).

That back surgery is no joke, take your time and heal up right, don't push too early. We'll be patient waiting for you to get back.
Thanks guys. Its been a rough road and I feel better every day. In spirit, I am ready to get the boat done but it only takes a hour of tinkering to know I am not ready to play yet. I am hoping to have the trailer done by next week and it should not be that hard to complete. One of my buddies is having mandatory shut down every friday till further notice..... bad for him but he is going to be helping me on fridays till the boat is done! With him helping me, I should have it together by june without a problem.
I worked a little bit on the trailer today. I got it painted, mounted the bunks, and started drilling mounting holes for the lights.

DUDE!!!!!! THAT IS HOT!!!!!!! :thumb: Love the color combo and graphics, looks great! Makes me kinda wish the gel coat on my Enchanter wasn't in such good shape, i would love to give mine a custom paint job! That Enchanter is comin along real nice, i can't wait to see it complete!
yellowfiero88, i just read this whole thread from start to finish, and it is an amazing job what you have done to this classic. im a mechanic myself and i know it sucks when do manual labor all day then coming home and di*^*^* around with other projects. i restored an 16 foot inticer a while back ( not to this extent) and its fun but damn tiring. from the bottom of my love for checkmates and for boats period, you did an excellent, beautiful job so far, and keep up the good work. (but dont push yourself to hard with you back)cant wait to see what follows!!!!:bigthumb::cheers::D;):thumb:
I love my boat:D!!!!

I got the new wheels and tires today. They made a mistake on the tire size but I really dont think it will matter. They mounted 205/75's on there but the originals were 225/75's. There is a 3/4" height difference and a little narrower but I think it might help. The 225's were right on the edge of the fender width wise and it might have led to debris coming off the tires and spraying the side of the boat. With the slightly narrower tires they tuck in a little better protecting the hull. I also got a set of locking lugs:irked:!

I also bought my new outdrive. I went with a sterndrive engeneering Alpha replacement 1.47 ratio complete. The old one worked good but it was leaking around the prop shaft. We tried and tried to get the assembly removed to replace the seal but with the corrosion, it could not be broken loose. I am going to keep it as a spare just incase I have a problem. Plus that is the only item that has not been replaced and I dont want it to be the one to break at the begining of a week long trip. Besides by now I quit counting the cash invested and I just want it done for this summer.

I also have the motor painted and assembled to a long block. I worked on the oil pump, rear main, and windage tray tonight. I should be ready to bolt on the pan and other items this weekend. I also am having problems with fittment of some parts. The exhaust manifolds hit the tall valve covers, but I need tall covers for the roller rockers. I am going to space the exhaust out 3/4" and I bought some different valve covers. They still might have to be modified but hopefully this will work. I hope to have the oil system primed, and everything put together ready to be dropped into the boat by the end of next week. I still have work to do on the transom assembly like the gimbal bearing and bellows. Also have to do the fiberglass work on the balsa core and build new flotation boxes before it can be dropped in for good.:surf:
Finished a few odds and ends on the trailer tonight. Bleed the brakes, finished wiring marker lights, mounted the wheels up. The smaller tire size is not noticeable and looks great! I still have to install the wiring plug, winch, and safty chains. I also ordered new springs for it. I figured I dont want any failures going down the highway that could cause damage or an injury, its cheap insurance.
:thumb:cant wait to see the whole rig. any new pics of the boat? your doing a awsome job with this project!! hows your recovery with your back?:confused:
I will get some pics up tomorrow if it aint raining:irked:. The back is doing somewhat ok...I guess. There is good days where I feel good and then there is bad days that I lay on the couch and medicate. I am still not pushing to hard and I am starting physical theropy next week. Hopefully that will improve my abilities.
This Thread is AWESOME!!!!!, your doing awesome work and it will be a great boat when done.I can't wait to get my garage set up as a little shop this summer so I can get back at it.. I hope you back heals fast, glad to see you didn't let it slow you down. I wish the best of luck to you in finishing your boat, projects and dreams keep us young at heart and motivated to do more.. Congrats :)
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