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Pulse170 Floor Restoration

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I just started to pull up my floor in my 1997 pulsare 2100 ld just after reading your write up. The floor was a little soft and I didn't know what to expect. Had I not read your rebuild of the floor I would be in a moderate panic. This doesn't seem to bad now....I have all winter and a pole barn to work in. I am good with wood and fiberglass so this should be fun.

Mike :cheers:
Thanks Mike!!! Those winter resto projects aren't too bad, two of them back to back was a enough for a while though. I promised the wife not to tear something apart this year.:p So I'll enjoy reading what others are doing this winter!!!:cheers: Good luck and keep us posted!!

I just started to pull up my floor in my 1997 pulsare 2100 ld just after reading your write up. The floor was a little soft and I didn't know what to expect. Had I not read your rebuild of the floor I would be in a moderate panic. This doesn't seem to bad now....I have all winter and a pole barn to work in. I am good with wood and fiberglass so this should be fun.

Mike :cheers:
That's the spirit!

New here and just opened up a can o worms on my 88 Senator under the seat, Plan on putting stainless plate with tapped holes under everything to hold the seats down.
New here and just opened up a can o worms on my 88 Senator under the seat, Plan on putting stainless plate with tapped holes under everything to hold the seats down.

Look forward to your resto, post some pictures of the boat.:thumb: Any questions just ask, I'll be glad to help.
Thanks but this was not supposed to be a resto. Hopeing for a quick fix to get me through the summer then new floors I guess.
Thanks but this was not supposed to be a resto. Hopeing for a quick fix to get me through the summer then new floors I guess.

LOL!!! That's how both of mine started out then turned into a resto!!! However I did a quick on the pulse 170 and then a full floor replacement in the winter. The Enforcer started with the floor and ended up tearing out everything from the cockpit to the transom.
Bought this boat because I thought the floors were solid and didnt have time to do the floors in my old boat. Now I have two boats also with bad floors. Trying to use some stainless plates for anchors under the seat box Checkmate used mild steel inserts for the pedistal bolts and I think that started the whole mess. Bummed out right now but hope I can get the quicky to work.
Have you tried rotating the seat pedestal and screw it to the floor? If that works filled the old holes with 3M 5200 until you can tear it out in the winter.
Oh ya I did that lasted about five minuets also the owner befor me tried it and didnt fill the holes so everything was black mush. Thinking I can make a mush sandwich with stainless plates plastic and fiberglass for now.
It may not be that hard or time consuming to cut out just the bad section and glass in a new piece just to hold the seats on a temp basis. Slap some 1708 over it and the old wood for a little extra strength. You should be able to do all that in 10 to 12 hours.
Well Im trying to save the carpet so it is there for the summer. I cut out a round hole the size of the seat base down to the second layer of glass then a smaller hole through the second layer and dug some of the foam out. Plan is to putt stainless plates above and below the bottom layer of glass with tapped holes for the seat screws then some glass then some plastic board then some glass and resin all around it. What is 1708?
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