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Pulse170 Floor Restoration

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I hate this cold weather. Had a water line freeze in one of our rentals. Had to take the siding off to get to it. I've got it fixed but it got dark on me. Got to put the siding on tomorrow. By the way your boat does look great.
Thanks guys!!! It was a fun project to work on, learned alot thru out the process. I might look for fixer upper in the near future.;) I honestly don't know how you guys up north tolerate the cold weather. When it dropped to 27* the other night that was entirely too cold for me. I couldn't last a day up where you guys are at.:eyecrazy:
This weather is nuts now its freezing rain. Called my Dad a few minutes ago and he said the scanner is going nuts. People are going in the ditches everywhere. I hope it doesn't get as bad as it did a couple of years ago lost our power for four days. Some people were without power for a week. The cable tv just went out this is not a good nite.
Well done! It looks great. Way to push it through and get it finished. A lot of guys run out of gas and the project sits in the garage for months and months. As fun as a restoration is, getting the boat back on the water is what it is all about.:surf:
Well done! It looks great. Way to push it through and get it finished. A lot of guys run out of gas and the project sits in the garage for months and months. As fun as a restoration is, getting the boat back on the water is what it is all about.:surf:

Mark thanks for the compliment!! Once I get started on a project I like to get that finished before starting a new one. I'm in the process of water sanding the top deck and buffing it out. Hopefully I'll have that done and all hardware put back on this week.
hey thanks cmpulse170. yall sure know how to make a brother proud. great job on your boat. mine is at a stand still. the weather and money has got me till at least feb. my shop is heated but i am running out of trees to burn. heheheh. good job
hey thanks cmpulse170. yall sure know how to make a brother proud. great job on your boat. mine is at a stand still. the weather and money has got me till at least feb. my shop is heated but i am running out of trees to burn. heheheh. good job

EZ hope the tree huggers don't get after ya for cutting trees down!!!! :D I'm basically doing back to back restos, finished the pulse170, sold it. Now working on the Enforcer hoping to have this one done soon. Thanks for the compliments!!!:thumb:
Great write up!


I just started to pull up my floor in my 1997 pulsare 2100 ld just after reading your write up. The floor was a little soft and I didn't know what to expect. Had I not read your rebuild of the floor I would be in a moderate panic. This doesn't seem to bad now....I have all winter and a pole barn to work in. I am good with wood and fiberglass so this should be fun.

Mike :cheers:

I just started to pull up my floor in my 1997 pulsare 2100 ld just after reading your write up. The floor was a little soft and I didn't know what to expect. Had I not read your rebuild of the floor I would be in a moderate panic. This doesn't seem to bad now....I have all winter and a pole barn to work in. I am good with wood and fiberglass so this should be fun.

Mike :cheers:

Writing down todays date, and the fun comment. good luck

I just started to pull up my floor in my 1997 pulsare 2100 ld just after reading your write up. The floor was a little soft and I didn't know what to expect. Had I not read your rebuild of the floor I would be in a moderate panic. This doesn't seem to bad now....I have all winter and a pole barn to work in. I am good with wood and fiberglass so this should be fun.

Mike :cheers:

Gonna document it all for us? It's hard to remember to take pix and write things down when you're in a project, but if you do you can start a new rebuild thread! I think your '97 might be the newest model we've had rebuilt?
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