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Sam I am's 89 Starliner Restore (Discussion Thread)

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What an adventure...I'm going to post my last post in this thread when I get home. I'm so tired right noe I can barily type...what a trip!

One last thing I'll say tonight though: it sure is fun meeting people from the board and putting faces to names!! Great meeting you and your Family Robbie. You're good folks! We'll get the seafood on another trip.

The next time you're down this way, a round of golf and dinner is on me! Sam and his dad are good people, nice to meet the both you in person. I'll let Sam add his final thoughts on this thread then close it. I'm gonna go thru the parts inventory and supplies and start a new restoration thread.
The liner at it's new home on dock floats!


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The broke cradle:( We should've used 4x4's where the casters was mounted. As we were pulling/sliding the cradle underneath the 2x10 that held the casters broke.


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Congrats on the new boat. Looking forward to the new Thread. Are you repainting the entire boat? If so, what colors and paint scheme?
Congrats on the new boat. Looking forward to the new Thread. Are you repainting the entire boat? If so, what colors and paint scheme?

Right now looking at gelcoat options, but will probably end up painting. I want to at least re gelcoat the bottom if it needs it. The colors will be blue, silver, black and white.:thumb:
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