Well-known member
So presently the Sharkoperator rolls up on a old Ford tractor that is equipped with a front loader and a backhoe, four different tires, a smoke cloaking device, a bad attitude, and a lot of grease, oil, mud, and corrosion holding it firmly together. From all of the knockin and smokin, I figure it's a diesel. The joints in the attachments are so badly worn that the machine can be hardly used. I didn't notice how bad the joints were until I offered up myself to do a little diggin with the machine on account of the Shark was digging so slowly with it. I did notice Shark shootin a quick smirk toward the Cadaver. I should have known better, but I figured ole Shark thought maybe I didn't know how to run the machine. He was right. With all of the smoke, you could hardly even see the ground you was trying to dig up. With all of the looseness in the jounts, once the back and forth and up and down and front to back and side to side motion started, any input from the sticks only made the machine more angry. Through the smoke cloud I could just make out the Shark and Ace steppin away, pointin with thier fingers and thier mouths open in what looked to be a hearty laugh. The tractor reminded me of a bareback bronco mustang stallion in his prime, tryin to buck me off, while I grabbed a hunk of mane with my left hand and stuck my right hand into the air over my head, and my jaw set in a grim smile, and give it both spurs hard on the flank. The tractor arched its back strongly and the ride was on for what seemed like quite a while longer than the second that the Shark talks about. After bein in the front, back, top, bottom, both sides, and underneath the machine, I tried to jump off but it grabbed my pants leg and flipped me into the air rather handily before it let go with a laugh in my general direction as the earth gently rubbed on my backside two or maybe three times. The Shark took great delight in all of this. The machine stopped movin around after my dissmount, and the Shark gingerly climbed aboard and slowly dug up them wires. It was just as I thought, cause one phase and most of the neutral wire was cut in two. After a quick clean up and a coupla underground splice kits and some heat shrink I was turnin the power back on. Now bein kind of a Rotton Smart***, as Shark would say, I saw an oppertunity to get in a jab at the Shark while we was checkin for proper voltage and polarity at the electrical panel in the barn....