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the fun of refinishing a predictor

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Did you replace the two floatation boxes in back?
Mine are not in the best of shape.
Also, did you happen to take any photos of your project for us to enjoy?
All that hard work is why I bought a Vector AFTER it was all completed

Did NOT put the old floor back in. It's just a lake rod, not going to take passengers or use for recreation.

You're probably putting the floor back in, so make sure you build the stringers up same height as the old ones so you can re-install a floor back into the same location..................
I got lucky and didn’t have to replace the boxes. My floor rot in back was mainly from the prior owner who stored a loose anchor under the seat. I had a little rot in the floor up by the captain’s chair and the foam was damp but not soaked.

I took the motor off so I could check the transom bolt holes for rot and it was out of the way. If you leave the motor on the boat it will get very dusty. My transom was OK. My crossbeam in back was only rotten where the drink holder was mounted in the center. I left the crossbeam in place and installed the new floor under it. Then I cut & spliced a new piece into the crossbeam. I also had some extra holes filed with caulk from a different motor that was mounted on it. I plugged the extra holes with resin soaked dowels bonded with MAS epoxy topped off with kitty hair. I brushed resin into the other mounting holes and then ran a drill through them after it cured.

Bag you motor. Put a trash bag over it to store it.

I didn’t start taking pictures until after I was done with the floor. I've posted some pictures of how it turned out in other threads.

1984 Predictor 1968 Mercury 1250SS I-6 125 HP
Saw your electrical work(gauges) on the other posts. Looks very nice! It sure is a good idea to check all of the wires when re-finishing. Can you tell me where the signal wire from the tilt position sending unit hooks up?(Brown/Wht? '87 Merc 115) I am guessing it hooks up to the gauge but is only 3-4 ft long. Was probably modified by previous owner!! My trim gauge does not work and would like to get it working. The owner before me worked in the electrical field. You would't know it if you saw the mess I found under the dash! I am also in the electro-mechanical field. As far as I know, all gauges are original.
**Glad to see more and more Predictors on the board
Sorry, I don’t have a trim gauge on mine. You can check your Speedo & Water Pressure gauges with air pressure. Take a pressure regulator and hook it to the hoses, I think 30 psi equals 60 mph on a Mercury speedo. Increase the pressure slowly and watch the gauges. Both my speedo and water pressure gauges were bad. The speedo was dead and the water pressure was off by 4 lbs.
well i have the floor back in and the carpet down. now im just trying to get the motor all buttoned up. i have been waiting for my jackplate from rick racers for a month. i finaly called bobs and they told my that it hasnt been built yet. i ended up upgrading to the heavy duty model. im hoping it will be in next week. i didnt want to run any wiring till i had the motor hung.

as for the finish of the hull........ i think im just going to run it as is. next year i can drop some coin on a new paint job. im way over budget this season.
ok i have all everything i need to put this thing back together. lets see how long it takes. im planning on two weeks.
here are the gauges i picked up.
well motor is back together. i had to replace te trigger. the lil tab on the side broke off. 100 bucks for that damn thing. lower unit is together and mounted. i plan to hang the motor this week. the gauges will get mounted after i clean up a bit in there. photos soon.

niice man, good to hear its coming together, you are doing what I would like to do with a predictor.
I need to get my 13 footer re-done completely and powered up.
well i finaly got the motor mounted. it wasnt to hard. i think it would have been easier if i had a 1 pc jack plate. making sure it was all squared up took the longest. i still had to womp out the holes a bit.

now i have the fun of running all the wires and steering. the steering cables i have are a bit long. i plan to run them out the side of the hull above the bump strip. this will take up some slack and give me the correct angle so there is no binding. i have two lil clam shell vents i will use to cover the cables where they exit the hull.

with this motor hanging on the back the bow all ready lifts off the ground. i still have to put 150 lbs of fuel in it. i was thinking i could get 3 or 4 of the big round 45 lb weights and mount them to the underside of the trailerjust behind the tongue.
Originally posted by illMATTic:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by jrumon:
NO weights... Just move your axle back about a foot!

no can do. i have a trailer with fenders and steps in front and behind the wheel. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Did you adjust the front mounting point leting the boat to move foward on the trailer. Every bit helps.
Just don't go past the end of the rear bunk supports...

If that don't work... It's time to cut & grind... move the axle/fenders/steps back, and reweld it all!
Matt I had to move my boat forward more on the trailer as well when I put the rude on the back, only 2 inches though. Looks like you got an awsome ride there, good luck, and remember "God hate's a coward!"
Remember, any weight you put forward of the seats will kill top end speed.................
i guess at this point i just want to get it in the water. the only thing up front will be the battery. i dont think it will effect me untill i get hungry for that xtra mph.
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