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jeff,s enchanter resto

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Jeff those homes are off the chain!!! Great work!!! I'm helping a friend renovate a house he bought. Just finished grouting a 600 sq, ft. floor, before Christmas we laid the 12" tile down. Man that's hard on the back and knees!!!

lol...i do my own tile work mostly, 600 sq. ft is a good size tile floor...just did 2200 total on a 350,000.00 remodel some of it was 20" tile...the first home under completed projects was my personal home...just sold for 400,000.00...these are mostly ocean front homes.....but i guess thats another thread.....:D
pulled the motor today...wasnt all that hard, I used my track loader!! Anyway found the top of the transom in good shape, a little rot around the raised lip transom drain hole. but solid other wise...i have another issue though,,,,its soakin wet from the flood...not sure what to do??


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pulled the motor today...wasnt all that hard, I used my track loader!! Anyway found the top of the transom in good shape, a little rot around the raised lip transom drain hole. but solid other wise...i have another issue though,,,,its soakin wet from the flood...not sure what to do??

Are you talking about the transom being soaking wet?
If the transom is soaked, you'll need to replace it. Sorry for the bearer of bad news but it's better to be safe.:( Are you sure it's soaked all the way thru?

seems to be down low any way...drilled a 1 1/2 hole about 1 inch deep...its wet...too bad cause its solid...:yell:
seems to be down low any way...drilled a 1 1/2 hole about 1 inch deep...its wet...too bad cause its solid...:yell:

the only good news is shes all stripped down, wires, cables, even the black bumper is off....lookin at rivets right now...

I will need some help with this one..
seems to be down low any way...drilled a 1 1/2 hole about 1 inch deep...its wet...too bad cause its solid...:yell:

There isn't much you can do to save it unfortuantely. The best way to replace the transom is to pop the cap slide it forward a couple of feet. Then you've got full access to replace the transom.
There isn't much you can do to save it unfortuantely. The best way to replace the transom is to pop the cap slide it forward a couple of feet. Then you've got full access to replace the transom.

at this point...why not...would i be using 17oz?....maybe i should buy a roll seeing ill need it for the new balsa...labor of love for sure here..I bet I keep total material to less than a 1000.00....
at this point...why not...would i be using 17oz?....maybe i should buy a roll seeing ill need it for the new balsa...labor of love for sure here..I bet I keep total material to less than a 1000.00....

After you cut the new transom out, encapsulate the wood with csm 1 1/2 oz mat and resin. You'll need a filler between the transom and the outer skin then clamp it until it cures. After that use the 17 oz to glass the transom in place.
After you cut the new transom out, encapsulate the wood with csm 1 1/2 oz mat and resin. You'll need a filler between the transom and the outer skin then clamp it until it cures. After that use the 17 oz to glass the transom in place.

got support braces attached to it...will i be removing those to install the new transom??...I looked thru your pics and others of transom resto...i havent seen a transom replace in a enchanter like mine.

Ill get some pics up tomorrow...


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got support braces attached to it...will i be removing those to install the new transom??...I looked thru your pics and others of transom resto...i havent seen a transom replace in a enchanter like mine.

Ill get some pics up tomorrow...

You'll also need to build new knees for the transom as well. Those will attach from the stringers back to the transom.
Here's a couple of pictures I found from another forum that shows how a transom, stringers and the floor goes together.


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You'll also need to build new knees for the transom as well. Those will attach from the stringers back to the transom.

Robbie look at my pics...the knee braces dont attach to stringers...i have 1 stringer down the center(removed already)...It looks like the knee brace's attach to the core only??
Jeff why buy two different types of fabric because my next question depends on your next answer and that is ......have you decide on what resin you are going to use Epoxy , Vinyl , or Poly ? Jeff , the bottom line is ......i would never use matt for any transom repair considering you need to take load conditions , and the the pounding a transom takes with an O/B into consideration .......or should i say show me the beef .
got support braces attached to it...will i be removing those to install the new transom??...I looked thru your pics and others of transom resto...i havent seen a transom replace in a enchanter like mine.

Ill get some pics up tomorrow...

Yes those need to be removed. That's my bad , was thinking you had two stringers not one.
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