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43 ft Checkmate Up-Date and Ohio Weather Report

43 ft Checkmate Up-Date and Ohio Weather Report. First I Want to Thank all the Checkmate Members on this Checkmate Forum who have Appreciated My Posts by Posting Your Kind Words of Appreciation and By Clicking Thanks. I Really Do Appreciate Your Thanks More than any of You Could Ever Know. Now Saturdays Testing on the 43 ft Checkmate. Testing had to be Canceled due to More Ohio Rain. I am Starting to Feel Like Your Personal Ohio Weather Man LOL. I have Not Been Told as of Yet if Checkmate will Try to do Final Testing on the 43 ft Checkmate Today or Not. From What I Understand from Doug is that Monday the 43 ft Checkmate will be Delivered to Jeff and From there Jeff will have a Photo Shoot on His 43 ft Checkmate Followed By More Testing on the 43 ft Checkmate. I Thought Some of You Might Enjoy Seeing what a Ventilated Step Bottom Looks Like in Case Some of You Might Not have Seen one Before. This is NOT a Picture off of the 43 ft Checkmate. It is Just to Give Some of you a Idea of What Some Hi-Performance Ventilated Bottoms Look Like. I Hope all of You have a Great Sunday and Best Wishes Always Sammie Action Marine

Thank you Sammy for all you do. You are the man and I really appreciate all your great posts. Another fine Checkmate produced and can't wait to see the next. Thanks again, Jeff
43 ft Checkmate Up-Date and Ohio Weather Report. First I Want to Thank all the Checkmate Members on this Checkmate Forum who have Appreciated My Posts by Posting Your Kind Words of Appreciation and By Clicking Thanks. I Really Do Appreciate Your Thanks More than any of You Could Ever Know. Now Saturdays Testing on the 43 ft Checkmate. Testing had to be Canceled due to More Ohio Rain. I am Starting to Feel Like Your Personal Ohio Weather Man LOL. I have Not Been Told as of Yet if Checkmate will Try to do Final Testing on the 43 ft Checkmate Today or Not. From What I Understand from Doug is that Monday the 43 ft Checkmate will be Delivered to Jeff and From there Jeff will have a Photo Shoot on His 43 ft Checkmate Followed By More Testing on the 43 ft Checkmate. I Thought Some of You Might Enjoy Seeing what a Ventilated Step Bottom Looks Like in Case Some of You Might Not have Seen one Before. This is NOT a Picture off of the 43 ft Checkmate. It is Just to Give Some of you a Idea of What Some Hi-Performance Ventilated Bottoms Look Like. I Hope all of You have a Great Sunday and Best Wishes Always Sammie Action Marine

So is that forward section of the hull Kind of like a double hull? Does it fill with water like the sponsons on a Hydro when it is sitting still?
So is that forward section of the hull Kind of like a double hull? Does it fill with water like the sponsons on a Hydro when it is sitting still?

Good question,
This is the first I've ever seen of this. Maybe Sammie or someone can explain how this works?
Ventilated Stepped Hulls

To Answer Your Questions on a
Ventilated Stepped Hulls is where the steps separate the hull from the surface of the water and allow air to flow beneath the hull to unwet the hull and Increase Boat Speed. Speed efficiency is achieved by reducing the drag and improving the efficiency of the propulsion system. The result is higher speeds for the same amount of power used or less power needed to achieve the same speed. Have a Great Day and Best Wishes Always Sammie Action Marine
Monday Up Date on the 43 ft Checkmate

Monday Up Date on the 43 ft Checkmate. Checkmate Ran the 43 ft Checkmate on Sunday in 3 to 5 foot Waves and the 43 ft Checkmate Ate up the Rough Water. There was No Flex or Shimmy or Shacks in the New Hull. Checkmate was Running 35 pitch Props on Sunday and They were Still to Small. Sundays Testing was More about how the boat would run in Rough Water than Top End Speed Since The Props were to Small to get the Max out of this Boat at this Time. Jeff has Larger Props and He will Finish up the Testing and Keep us Checkmate Members Up to Date on the Top End Numbers. Have a Great Week and Best Wishes Always Your Friend Sammie Action Marine
I saw it too. Kinda wish the "Checkmate" wasn't submerged at rest. Then again, it shows that there is a lot of fire power under that hatch! lol
