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Pulse170 Floor Restoration

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Here's some more pictures.


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Here's the drain holes just in front of the knee braces glassed in. I added resin to seal the inside after the picture was taken.


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Today I got the floor installed. I used PL Premium to bond the floor to the stringers and around the sides I used Hull and Deck putty. That H&D putty is some good stuff, I also used it to blend the floor with the hull. I need to let the putty set before glassing the floor in place. Here are some pictures from today.


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Here are some pictures with the putty around the sides and weights on the floor. I added a picture of the gallon can of putty.


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A few more pictures by the transom next to the knee braces.


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One more picture where the gas tank will go once I glass the floor in and set the bilge pump back in place.


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Thanks!!! Even though this floor resto has been time consuming, it' also been a fun project. I'm hoping to get the floor glass in over the weekend.
My favorite projects are boats. There is a little bit of everything involved in them. Mechanical, body and paint, and wood working. When I take on a major project, its easy to get side tracked and loose focus. Adding a mix in like boats keeps me on track tho. Damn A.D.D!;)
Today I had a chance to glass the floor in, using a 1/4" nap roller made life easier. Once the resin dries I'll add a strip of mat around the perimeter and the edges of gas tank/bilge area to completely seal the floor to the hull. Here are some pictures.


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Here are some more pictures, sorry for the shadows.


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And the last couple pictures


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Looks GREAT! :bigthumb:

Have you decided how you're going to attach the seat bases? I can't think of a way to do it without penetrating the wood and opening up the chance for wood rot again. I wonder if dipping the screws in resin before they're installed would cure that problem?
Looks GREAT! :bigthumb:

Have you decided how you're going to attach the seat bases? I can't think of a way to do it without penetrating the wood and opening up the chance for wood rot again. I wonder if dipping the screws in resin before they're installed would cure that problem?

Sure did. I'm going to do what Jallen355 did. I'll cut a 2x10 a bit bigger than the pedestal base bond that to the floor then glass in place. Second where the gas tank, battery,oil tank, seats and under the console attach to the floor, I'm going to glass in blocks of wood to attach too. That way nothing will penetrate the floor. See-this link for Jallen355 seat attachments using 2x10's. http://checkmate-boats.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11529&page=2. Thanks for the tip, Jallen355.
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Looks GREAT! :bigthumb:

Have you decided how you're going to attach the seat bases? I can't think of a way to do it without penetrating the wood and opening up the chance for wood rot again. I wonder if dipping the screws in resin before they're installed would cure that problem?

When I rebuilt my Pulsare floor, I glassed aluminum plates into the ply so I could "tap" the seat pedestall screws into the plates.
Tonight it was warm enough to continue glassing in the floor. I overlapped the sides where the gas tank sits. I'm sure this is overkill but after seeing the wood rot, I'm not taking any chances. I also added extra bracing connecting the floor to the transom, probably not needed as well but the 200 Merc hanging off the back is heavy. I've got the pieces cut out for the seat pedestals to sit on and for the rear bench seat, front seats and the console sides to attach to. I'm doing away with the aluminum angle that screws to the floor and seats. Here's some pictures.


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I got some more goodies today from Overton's. They were having a 15% off plus free shipping, so since I got the boat tore apart I'll add a new bilge pump and stereo system. I went thru loud stereos during the mid 80's early 90's so what I got was inexpensive yet will serve the same purpose just not as loud. Here's a picture.


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I got some more work done on the boat today in between Christmas shopping with the wife.:D I had decided not to use the angle brackets to attach the seats to the floor. Instead I glued some wood blocks in place then I'll glass them in. I added wood pads for the oil tank, battery and seat pedestals and will glass those in as well. I also mounted the new bilge pump. Here's some pictures of my progress and were I was double checking dimensions.


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