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Botm thought!!

BOTM revised??

  • Change to secret.

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • Keep the same.

    Votes: 20 71.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Just thinking after talking to some members if a change for BOTM would make it a little better.
How do you guys feel about having the votes not public?
There has been talk more guys would vote if its not public. Reasons being they feel as to not upset or hurt feelings if the pics are not the best and to not start grudges if your pic is not voted on by someone.

So what do you guys think?
Thinking way too much on this Keith!

Personally, it's all in fun. If someone gets upset that they didn't get a vote or that their friend voted on another's boat ..... they have social disorders. I have said this before and I'll say it again, "I don't care if you vote for my boat or not". What I mean is vote for the best looking picture. This includes picture quality, boat condition, and setting. This should not be a popularity contest either.
Here is a couple things that should change ..... 1~ Past BOTM pictures should not be allowed to be in a running again. 2~ You can't vote on a picture if your boat is in that picture.

I am upset that I didn't get a chance to vote for Spencer's boat. Was busy today and forgot all about the poll.

Just my $.02 :)
It's called Boat of The Month.....Not party of the month or buddy of the month.
If you get upset and hold a grudge because a friend of yours did not vote for your pic.:irked:

Well to that i say grow a pair and toughen up buttercup.:D
Remember it's all in fun don't take it personal.

My way of picking a vote....
#1-Is the pic in focus
#2-Is the Checkmate logo clearly visible
#3-A good background setting will really make a boat pop.
I always vote the pic not the owner.

That's my opinion and if it hurt someones feelings...lol I DON'T CARE:poke:

Tony O.
Keith makes a valid point, there are members who won't vote as the poll is set up now. This is a good topic, keep the votes and opinions coming! :thumb:
Keep it the same.

We should not have to change because some members feel they have to point a finger when they do not win. I say grow up and take a better photo next time. ;)

To the members not voting........... lets take back the forum.
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If people don't vote, that's their choice.

If they're concerned about their internet friend not liking their choice.....then rearrange the following sentence:
Pair, grow, a.

There's far more serious things in life to worry about.
Take for instance which of your Facebook friends just un-friended you!!! OMG. :p
It's called Boat of The Month.....Not party of the month or buddy of the month.
If you get upset and hold a grudge because a friend of yours did not vote for your pic.:irked:

Well to that i say grow a pair and toughen up buttercup.:D
Remember it's all in fun don't take it personal.

My way of picking a vote....
#1-Is the pic in focus
#2-Is the Checkmate logo clearly visible
#3-A good background setting will really make a boat pop.
I always vote the pic not the owner.

That's my opinion and if it hurt someones feelings...lol I DON'T CARE:poke:

Tony O.

BOTM? Key word "BOAT". I try to vote for the best looking "boat". It shouldn't matter if someone has a better camera or takes better pictures. I could care less how many women in swim suits are on the boat or how pretty the water is or the background. It is the boat it self that I cast my vote for! Just my $.02
BOTM? Key word "BOAT". I try to vote for the best looking "boat". It shouldn't matter if someone has a better camera or takes better pictures. I could care less how many women in swim suits are on the boat or how pretty the water is or the background. It is the boat it self that I cast my vote for! Just my $.02

And with that in mind, I'm accepting defeat on BOTM July: :rof:


  • DSC_0018_knarloid.jpg
    21.6 KB · Views: 26
Thanks for the thoughts guys,
I either vote or don't vote depending on if I really think its a cover shot or if there all good and can't decide.
I was really just curois after the subject came up in conversation to set up a secret poll to see the results.
This about how many votes we get for BOTM so it looks like its official. :p

Change to secret.
Keep the same.
Sometimes I don't vote

because I don't care or I don't like any of the pictures.

Does that make me a bad person?

Are you all going to call me names like Snakebit, Offshore Ginger, or Wicked Wendy now?

I might get my feelings hurt and quit visiting here.
What happened to Jimway?

He was quite the story teller...I kinda enjoyed his view on things.

Don't give a crap either way about BOTM.
