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2001 Convincor 24 with 350 mag mpi


Well-known member
24 pitch 4blade- What kind of speeds do you guys think I could expect to see out of this?
60 ish would be my guess. Not alot of motor for that size boat but smallblocks are good motors for longevity and reliability. Take that thing for a ride and let us know if it is still to cold yet for a boatride.
Don't know how fast you are going to go but I'm thinkin you are gonna look pretty good in it while you are cruising down the lake. Any red on this machine? For pink is red with a little white added...
Don't know how fast you are going to go but I'm thinkin you are gonna look pretty good in it while you are cruising down the lake. Any red on this machine? For pink is red with a little white added...
Blue, white and silver. My wife's been bugging me since last season for something bigger. Only problem is I love my Liner, has great seating capacity and runs reliably right into the low 70's. Also, just put in new floor and stringers with my bud Patroni 2 seasons ago, don't wanna do maintenance on 2 boats and don't have a good spot to store the 2'nd one.
Other than that I'm sold. :(
I just knew someone would grab the 'something bigger' part and run. Sim, I am feeling your dilemma around here too. Mrs. Jim has her sights set on a B,B,B, Bay, Bay, Big boat equipped with stove, fridge, rest room facilities, hot water, small mota, and alot of other stuff including acres of fiberglass hull to clean and polish. If she buys this thing, I'm gonna have to come up with some stickers that say Checkmate and maybe Tri-Level. I'm sweating but thinking about putting down a foot or two.
Right now I'm comparing and contrasting a 1992 enforcer 230 with a 454 mag to a 2001 convincor 24 with the small block.
I wonder how they ride compared to each other and compared to my Liner (which I think I'll keep-especially if I get the enforcer which is pink-so I'll have to name it "Hers"- which means I need a "His").
Right now I'm comparing and contrasting a 1992 enforcer 230 with a 454 mag to a 2001 convincor 24 with the small block.
I wonder how they ride compared to each other and compared to my Liner (which I think I'll keep-especially if I get the enforcer which is pink-so I'll have to name it "Hers"- which means I need a "His").

What is the HP on the 454 vs 350? Almost a decade worth of technology improvements and less wear on the Convincor.
