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Bdusted440's 20' checkmate

Thats going pretty good,I'm curious what your speed says.
Checking out your Ambassador thread catching back up on what you've done. You ready to breakout the DA and the grinder yet?
Hey ambasador owners I need a little help here.I started on the new inteior and I need some info on the rear seat.Acually some pictures would be great my seat has been replaced somwhere down the line and I need to put it back factory as I have the factory skins for it. can anybody take some pics and send them to me I want to get this done and over with so I can start on the hull.
Also does anybody know where to get a good marine carpet that is over eight foot wide.nomal indore outdore carpet is twelve foot wide but doesnt seem to hold up well from the testing Ive done so far.Thanks for the help guys.
I wish I knew. Those guys are good, I've been trying to figure out how the fold it around boxes and and things like that.
I bought my carpet at Home Depo. I put the seam at the step up going up to the bow, that gave me a full piece in the main area.(Thats where it was from the factory) I covered the seat mount boxes with a wrap around and put the seam in the center of the front. When I installed the main section I centered the carpet on the floor then cut out the seat boxes. I made sure the cuts around the seat boxes were real tight. When I installed the carpet on the seat boxes it hid the edges on the floor.

The carpet I got looks just like what was in the boat originaly, except in gray not black. It's been in my boat for 3 seasons and is holding up good.
I started pulling mine out .It is seamed at the sides. There is one piece down the middle and a seperate piece up the sides the whole length of the boat.This I can duplicate.( I hope ) LOL. The interior is out they use a-lot of wood that is for sure.All the seat boxes are replaced and screwed together with stainles screws insted of staples.The seat bottoms are done.I'm cutting new wood for the side boards now. Then its time to put it all together depending how the floor looks underneeth the main carpet section.well thats all for now and thanks for you're input don and coop
When I did the backer panels behind the seat back in the bow I made openings for ski storage. I store my skis between the hull sides and the seat backs, I get 2 soloms on one side and a combo set on the other.
I have ski storage in the floor of mine so i'm gona leave that but I am going to enlarge the door opening on the bow cover door so I can get tubes and such in a-lot easier.And the floor storage for anchors needs to have a bigger opening too. Not much bigger but about an inch all the also need to find someplace that sell's teak plywood for the walkthru section of the console.
Anybody have any ideas?
Well the mate is going to coops to have the gel work done .five months till it has to be finished.But it will look good and fly.
Does anybody have a alpha or bravo drive assembly for sale or trade?
What ratio you lookin for? I know where there are a bunch of drives kicking around but - you've got to come to Ontario to get one!
From what I've been told I would want a 1.50 ratio for a v8.I'm switching from omc to merc so i need everything.gimble , bellhousing you know the works.
Hey...I am going to take the boat down to the lake today...What pics do you need? Ill take all you want. Ill get plenty of the back seat area up and down. Its actually pretty neat how they designed it.

Wow! That's going to be a tall order!! Let me look into the drive for you, i'm sure the place i used to work at has a complete 1.5:1 used. I think finding a used transom assy will be a tough search for you - good luck.
I need how they do the back seat and the engine compartment oh and the hindges on the back seat. have to remake mine. thanks alot.