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Now that I got caught up on the thread, assuming that one of our own members (check253) bought the beast. Congrats to you, that's a beautiful boat!!:drool::thumb: Can you share with us the pros and cons of the Punisher, of course pictures would be great!!
Now that I got caught up on the thread, assuming that one of our own members (check253) bought the beast. Congrats to you, that's a beautiful boat!!:drool::thumb: Can you share with us the pros and cons of the Punisher, of course pictures would be great!!

Thanks for all the kind words. We've only put about 6 hours on the boat. The very first ride was in 6' waves in Lake Michigan. The ride was amazing! It's going to take some time before top speed runs. It's a whole lot different than the 300. I have spoken at length with the gentleman who did the pre-delivery inspection and some prop testing. He saw 94 on the limiters with the current props. He told me that had he been allowed to finish testing, he was confident of 100 mph. As most of you know, this is a Chief hull. Chief is making boats from this same mold and finished a race boat named Warpath. I believe it won it's first race. This seems to be a proven hull design.

As to whether this will remain a one off, time will tell. I do not know Joe but I have a hard time believing that he would turn down an order that would bring in 400-500k. He is a smart business man. I can't believe he say no, it must be a Hustler.

The plan for us is to use the boat as is for now. Hopefully do a few poker runs next summer and of course the gathering on LC.
I'm really happy the boat went to a true Checkmate enthusiast and from what Brian and Dave are tellingmy a great guy and his wife. II'm happy it's not just going to be a dock ornament for someone to show off. Congrats!





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I have thought the same thing since it was finished. it does say checkmate but if I was them I would have put it in big letters not blended in ones.

Thanks for all the kind words. We've only put about 6 hours on the boat. The very first ride was in 6' waves in Lake Michigan. The ride was amazing! It's going to take some time before top speed runs. It's a whole lot different than the 300. I have spoken at length with the gentleman who did the pre-delivery inspection and some prop testing. He saw 94 on the limiters with the current props. He told me that had he been allowed to finish testing, he was confident of 100 mph. As most of you know, this is a Chief hull. Chief is making boats from this same mold and finished a race boat named Warpath. I believe it won it's first race. This seems to be a proven hull design.

As to whether this will remain a one off, time will tell. I do not know Joe but I have a hard time believing that he would turn down an order that would bring in 400-500k. He is a smart business man. I can't believe he say no, it must be a Hustler.

The plan for us is to use the boat as is for now. Hopefully do a few poker runs next summer and of course the gathering on LC.

Dianne & I just want to say congrats on the new toy !!! What a platform to expand, explore & innovate the beautiful wicked horsepower voodoo that you do !!:thumb: Bravo !!
Whether or not another Punisher is ever built, this boat was, and it will always be known as a Checkmate. And until that day comes You my friend are the King of the Hill in this Community, Top Dog, Co*k of the Walk !!!!

Looking forward to next years rally already !!! Stay Safe !