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Thanks BADBK.Just made my donation, hope to learn a lot and see a bunch of cool pics on here!
Thanks for your consideration Justin. I appreciate it.I tried to donate yesterday, but paypal got into it with me and my bank last year so now anytime when i buy something that takes paypal i cant do it.
Thanks for the kind words brother. They really mean a lot.Thanks for the acknowledgment Chris. It took me a month to get around to it. I like the fact that everyone is treated the same, whether they are supporting members or not. I've said it before - the camaraderie here is very good.
The way I see it (and this is only my opinion), I drop $25 on a lot of activities that I enjoy less, learn less, and spend far less time on than this site (think about the last 6 beers you bought in a bar...). So to me, it seems like a very reasonable amount. But again, part of what makes this site great is that it's never forced or anything.
Chris - I'd like to add one more thanks for taking so much of your time to run this board!!!
Thanks for your thoughts and interest in continuing to support the community TN. I appreciate it.I think I am nearly due for a renew. Let me Know when its time. Thanks.
Hey Will, thanks for your support!Im new to this site but I really enjoy it and learning new things . I sent in my donation thanks again
And thank you brotha.Hey Chris, These yrs are CLICKING by pretty fast,ain't they.I would just like to say, Thanks for the sight. It allows me to live and relive all the fun I've had over the past 18 yrs of owning the only boat that matters CHECKMATES, BABY!
I'm not one with a whole of advice,But I have a whole lot of crazy checkmate stories.Most that I've have'nt shared yet! I think the statute of limitations are running out of most!So maybe will have some fun with some good ol'e beer stories this yr.Lets try to light'en it up for this yr !!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Again Jeff & Suzi