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I'd like to send out a big thank you to "Bruce" who is one of our long time members here on the forums. :)

Bruce was kind enough to renew his supporter's subscription today for the umpteenth time!

Thanks again Bruce, I appreciate your very kind and continuing support. :)

I had a really nice surprise when I logged in today, we've got two new supporting members and also one member who renewed!

So firstly, I'd like to thank "bsprout", who was kind enough to become part of the supporter's group. Thanks "bsprout"! I appreciate your very kind support of the forums. :thumb:

Secondly, I'd like to thank "dhawkins", who also became a supporting member today. Thanks "dhawkins", I also very much appreciate your kind support and for becoming member of the supporter's group. :)

Thirdly, I'd like to thank "ToP Enticer" who was kind enough to renew his supporter's subscription today. Thanks TP, I very much appreciate your kind and continuing support of the forums.

Thanks again Gang! That was a really nice surprise to come home too. :thumb:

I hope you continue to enjoy the forums and your supporter's subscription. :)

I'd like to send out a big thank you to "84enticer" who is our latest supporting member. :thumb:

Thanks 84! I appreciate your very kind support of the community!

Enjoy! :)

I'd like to send out a couple of thank you's!

Firstly, I'd like to thank "jln", who was kind enough to join our supporting members group. :thumb:

Thanks "jln"! I very much appreciate your kind support of the forums! :)

Secondly, I'd like to thank "SrA Eason", who was also kind enough to join our supporting members group. :thumb:

Thanks "SrA Eason", I also appreciate your kind support of the forums as well.

Thanks again to both of you and I hope you enjoy your subscriptions. :)

thanks friend

i just tried to tell the supporters, yet i need tell me first. summer does something too us, but you wait till you see us fools this fall. i appreciate the thanks, and you will never know how much we love this site. you will this fall. thanks from the damned fools club, were trying bust and create checkmates like nobody can imagine. im trying to learn where to go to help fellow members set ther rigs up. but mine are blowing my mind. i dont know how we do it, but we wont stop
im of respect

during my overwhelming emotion, it all boils down to my physical exhaustion due to my ability to keep my customers cool. im going get mine.:yell:
need a prop or your passengers

my friend just got out of prison on parole, and hes got the fastest boat on chincos flat water. stupid fkr wouldnt stop for the coast guard, so in his attempt to outrun them, he did it excellently. as they waited with guns drawn, he never came back. if i had to guess, he was either up a gut getting a ride home, or ocean city at secrets before they knew it. ill drink to fox, and then ill drink to my drinking to that. when the vmrc wants check my cooler for small fish, im going to delay his time as i did last tim, as my friend was at his house with his wife. citation. juat like the federal agent convicted of theft from my local waterman friends, 10 year suspendded sentence hell burky. your sentence ought be watts island for life:brickwall:
I'd like to send out some more words of thanks....

Firstly I'd like to thank "Check This" who was kind enough to donate and join our supporter's group.

Thanks "Check This", I appreciate your very kind support. :)

And secondly...

I'd like to thank "fiftyp" who kind enough to renew his supporter's subscription!

Thanks "fiftyp" I very much appreciate your kind support as well. :thumb:

Enjoy! :)

I'd like to send out some more thank you messages.

Firstly, I'd like to thank "Cpage66", who is a long time member here on the forum and now one of our latest supporting members. Thanks for your kind support Cpage! :)

Secondly, I'd like to thank "ndaniels" who also became one of our latest supporting members. Thanks "ndaniels! Your kind support, is also very much appreciated. :thumb:

Thirdly, I'd like to thank "Mr. Buss" who is one of our more active members here on the forums. Thanks "Mr. Buss"! I also appreciate your very kind contribution to the community.

Thanks again Gang, I appreciate the support. :)

I'd like to send out a big thank you to one of our long time members "ianz" who was kind enough to become our latest supporting member!

Thanks ianz!

I appreciate your very kind support and appreciate your contributions to the forums over the years. :thumb:

Enjoy! :)

thanks to you too

i didntn even know i donated, but im glad i did. the captain is getting ready to show you people what were all about. nothing to brag about, other than doing it so cheap that we only have to put gas in these bad a** rigs weve found, after einstein powers them up. its coming soon. i just wish us rednecks were as technoligically advanced as most people. i will be some day. for now, im skipping 90, going right to 100mph, darn near for nothing $:cheers:
I'd like to send out some more words of thanks....

Firstly, I'd like to thank "boatn70" one of our long time members here on the forum and who just became one of our supporting members. :thumb:
Thanks "boatn", I appreciate your very kind support! :)

Secondly, I'd to thank "Sam I am" who also just became a supporting member as well. :)
Thanks "Sam" I also very much appreciate your kind support of the community. :cheers:

And thirdly, I'd like to thank "mkhammer" who is also one of our long time members here on the forums.
Thanks "mk" I also very much appreciate your very kind support as well. :thumb:

Thanks again Gang - I very much appreciate your support and investment in the community.

Enjoy! :)

I'd like to send out a big thank you to gchildre, who is a long time member here and multi-time supporter of the forums. :thumb:

Thanks gchildre!

I very much appreciate your very kind and loyal support over the years.

Enjoy! :)

81 supporting members... is that right? That seems pretty good! Is that the largest number yet?
Yes, I try to keep the supporter count updated fairly regularly.

In terms of the highest number of supporters ever, I think we made it up into the high eighty's about a year ago or so ago, when Big Red posted his thread.

So we're pretty close to the highest ever - which I obviously very much appreciate. :thumb:

I'd like to send out a thank you to wca_tim who just became our latest supporting member. :thumb:

Thanks tim!

I appreciate your VERY kind support.

Enjoy! :)

I'd like to send out a big thank you to "trimate fan" who is our latest supporting member! :thumb:

Thanks very much TF!

I appreciate your very kind support of the forums.

Enjoy. :)
