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I think I've fallen through the cracks. I sent a donation on Nov 3 via paypal, and even put my username in the comments.

Hi groundloop,

You're right, sorry about that.

Most of the members use the PayPal system built into the board which is automated and updates your membership semi-instantly and then once done it sends me a email.

You went direct to PayPal and for some reason I didn't get a notification email from PayPal - not sure why.

I've now manually updated your account, so you should be good to go.

Thanks for your kind support it's very much appreciated.

I hope you enjoy your supporter's subscription and sorry about the delay. :)

Thanks Chris. I had clicked on the "donate" button near the bottom of some of the pages (which I don't even see right now).

Anyway, now I can ensure that my Eluder gets at least one vote for boat of the month when I get it finished :bounce:. (I honestly don't think it's going to be able to compete with many of the awesome boats I'm seeing on here - I'll just have to console myself with having a unique boat that my family can enjoy.)
Thanks Chris. I had clicked on the "donate" button near the bottom of some of the pages (which I don't even see right now).

Anyway, now I can ensure that my Eluder gets at least one vote for boat of the month when I get it finished :bounce:. (I honestly don't think it's going to be able to compete with many of the awesome boats I'm seeing on here - I'll just have to console myself with having a unique boat that my family can enjoy.)
Yes, you're right, some pages still have the old donation icon on the bottom which links to the old donators and donation page. The entrance page still has the donate icon on it as one example. A few years back, I moved most of the old donation page info into the wiki.

Best of luck with the BOTM! :)

I'd like to send out three thank-you's for three donations I've received over the last few days. :)

Firstly, I'd like to thank one of our newer members "SOX" who just became a supporting member.
Thanks "SOX", I very much appreciate your kind support! :thumb:

Secondly, I'd like to thank "check253" who is one of our very long time members and one of our latest supporter's.
Thanks "check253", I also very much appreciate your kind support and your participation in the forums over the years. :thumb:

Thirdly, I'd like to thank "yellowfiero88" who also just became a supporting member.
Thanks "yellowfiero88", I also very much appreciate your very kind support of the forums as well. :thumb:

Thanks again to everyone and I hope you enjoy! :cheers:

I think it's great these guys gave their kind donations to support the site, Especially "SOX" after having difficulties with his Convincor purchase,

The amount to become a supporting member is more than reasonable to support this great site. It's a rewarding feeling to pitch in and be a part of the system that helps this site run.

Even in these hard economic times I hope that more will look into donating to the site they are a part of.

Donate or not we are all still part of the forum.

Chris I know it's alot of work to maintain this site. Thank you for all the hard work keeping us up to date.

Chris, I think it's nice that you take the time to thank supporting members. Very cool.
Well thank you, it seems like the least I can do. Hopefully the thank you's comes across as I would like them to. :)

It's something that I've tried to do since the first day we publically accepted donations - hopefully I haven't missed anyone over the years.

If you or anyone cares to read back in this thread, it was actually Gus that started this thread on his own (without my knowledge or prompting) to spread the word about the fact I had finally set up a PayPal account for the site. Before that, I had intentionally avoided setting up a way to accept donations, although a few "resourceful" members did make some donations when they got my mailing address and then mailed me some cheques. :)

The way the PayPal thing started, was actually at the request of one member who finally convinced me via a private email, to set up a PayPal account so that he could make what he called, "an investment in the community he loved" (to paraphrase his words not mine). Suffice to say, he put things in such a way in his email, that he actually made me feel badly for resisting his request, as well as the others who had also made the same request before him.

Shortly after the PayPal account was set up, word quietly spread around about it's existence and then Gus went public on his own with this thread. The result is that a number of people stepped forward making donations, not for any real tangible benefit per se, they did so just because they wanted to support and invest in the community. Back at that time, I used to put small red "supporters" ribbons on people's avatars as a thank you, but we somewhat abandoned that idea as many members liked to update their avatars reqularly and I simply couldn't keep up with updating them.

So, the bottom line is that I still have the same mind-set and feel the same about the donations to this day, as I did on the first day.

That being, that I very much appreciate them and also, that I am equally humbled that people are kind enough to help support the site.

I think it's great these guys gave their kind donations to support the site, Especially "SOX" after having difficulties with his Convincor purchase,

The amount to become a supporting member is more than reasonable to support this great site. It's a rewarding feeling to pitch in and be a part of the system that helps this site run.

Even in these hard economic times I hope that more will look into donating to the site they are a part of.

Donate or not we are all still part of the forum.

Chris I know it's alot of work to maintain this site. Thank you for all the hard work keeping us up to date.

Thanks MK I appreciate that. :)

We all hope that those who can will support the efforts that go into maintaining the site. Thanks to Gus for this thread. I hope all will read it during the holiday season and find a way to become a member.:thumb::D
I'd like to send out a couple of thank-you's...

Firstly, I'd like to thank "TCAT" who is one of our very long time members and also multi-time supporters here on the forums.

Thanks "TCAT" I very much appreciate your continuing and very kind support of the forums! :)

Secondly, I'd like to also thank "cmpulse170", who is also another long time member and long time supporter here on the forums.

Thanks "cmpulse", I also very much appreciate your very kind support as well.

Thanks again fellas and I hope you enjoy your supporter's subscriptions! :thumb:

You're Welcome!!! I'm glad to be a part of a great, well organized site. I've learned alot on here and it's the least I could do as a part of my contribution. Keep up the good work. :thumb:

I'd like to send out a couple of belated thank-you's. :o

Firstly, I'd like to thank "Great East Predictor", who has been kind enough to renew his supporter's subscription once again. :thumb:
Thanks G.E.P! I very much appreciate your very kind and continuing support of the forums! :)

Secondly, I'd like to thank one of our newer members "ezflyer" who has also been kind enough to become a supporting member of the forums. :thumb:
Thanks "E.F."! I very much appreciate your kind support of the forums as well and hope you enjoy your supporter's subcription. :)

Thanks again guys and sorry for the delay in sending out the words of thanks. I think I've now got the glitch sorted out that caused the delay. :yell: :)

I'd like to send out a couple more thank-you's. :)

Firstly, I'd like to send out a big thank you to one of our long time members, "hotdaddy27" who has been kind enough to renew his supporter's subscription for the umpteenth time.
Thanks "hotdaddy", it goes without saying that I very much appreciate your VERY kind and continuing support over the last number of years. :)

Secondly, I'd like to thank "sim" who has also been kind enough to renew his supporter's subscription once again!
Thanks "sim" I VERY much, also, appreciate your kind and continuing support of the forums. :)

Thanks again guys, I hope you continue to enjoy your supporter's subscriptions! :thumb:

Thanks for a great year Chris -- To a successful future to all that call this site home. It has been a great time that gets better with just that -- "Time"
I urge all those who are able to contribute to our second home!!:thumb: Please do -- Chris and the rest work tirelessly to keep it up!!:D:D
I'd like to send out a big thank you to "Magnum Thunder", who was kind enough to renew his supporter's subscription today. :)

Thanks MT, I very much appreciate your VERY kind and continuing support of the forums. :thumb:

Enjoy. :)

I'd like to send out a big thank you to "wss" who just became our latest supporting member. :)

Thanks "wss"!

I very much appreciate your kind support of the forums and the community.

I hope you enjoy your supporter's subscription. :)

Just remembered to do my annual donation last night! Sold the Pulse 170, and I was in changing my signature line and avatar, when 'SMACK!' I realised it was passed time to renew!! Thanks for the site Chris!!! :thumb:
Just remembered to do my annual donation last night! Sold the Pulse 170, and I was in changing my signature line and avatar, when 'SMACK!' I realised it was passed time to renew!! Thanks for the site Chris!!! :thumb:
It's all of us that should be thanking you Sir! :thumb:

Without you and Gus and both your "Super-Moderating" skills over all these years, where the heck would we be?

Thanks once again for your yearly donation, (the one that you don't need to send) - and thanks most of all for all your volunteer help and efforts to help the forums running smoothly over all these years. :)

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I'd like to send out a big thank you, to one of our long time members and long time supporter's Bruce, who has once again renewed his supporter's subscription!

Thanks once again Bruce, for your very kind support of the community.

I appreciate it very much and it's a big help. :thumb:

I hope you continue to enjoy your subscription. :)

Your very welcome Chris ....... and a huge thanks to you for putting in countless hours keeping the Forum going.

Great Job !!!!!!!
