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I'd like to thank one of our newest members "Fastcheckmate175" who just became our latest supporting members!

Thanks Fast! I appreciate your kind support of the forums and welcome to the community. :thumb:

Enjoy! :)

I would like to send out a very big thank you to Greg from Scream and Fly, who has been kind enough to renew his supporter's subscription for the umpteenth time. :thumb:

Thanks Greg, we appreciate your continuing support!

And we also very much appreciate all that you've done to help us over the years.

We wouldn't have made it this far without you! :thumb:

All the best and thanks again. :)

new prop & gearcase

just like my motor man said, that i might tear it up first ride. no sooner than i left the queen sound ramp and got brokeout at about 35k rpm, with 4 head onboard, in the middle of the channel, my cooler came flying up under the bow from the back, and my friends didnt quite fly over the windsheild, when i stuffed the new sandbar into the nosecone of my new waterpump, and stripped the black paint off my sailboat skeg, and exposed a green gearcase. i used green body filler. there was a lump of sand in the middle of the channel, that just got ther in 3 days. after that, i flew my check out into the ocean through chinco inlet, and saw a 100 ft scallop boat had done the same thing on the southernmost tip of assateague island, and i could see both props. my friends 13 yr old son forgot all about running aground when the dolphins swam up beside my boat, and i thanked the lord that i didnt hit one of them.:thumb:they used to tear off intake tubes & burn motors. i new better this time. thank the lord for waiting for porpoises to clear before jumping swells. the best thanks i got was the no thank yous from speechless victoms. glad they didnt know i only carried them for ballast. hahaha:drool:its all good. need a lefthand 20 for my tunnel. friends said they saw both props 3 feet above the chop when it tore up. had to idol in on 1 motor & drink my sorrows away. hahahaha:bigthumb:
I'd like to send out a big thank you to wnc435 who just became our latest supporting member! :thumb:

Thanks wnc435, I very much appreciate your kind support.

Enjoy! :)

donate smile

Chris has added a donation icon at the bottom of the page. Click the icon and read all about it.
Thanks in advance for helping out.
ide like carry some bird watchers on a fish watching tour after my lobster eating frenzy. i dont have to go out but 1 hour a weekend and fly my enchanter for 5 minutes, and im nearly sick of eating crabs & clams & seafood. im sick of going slow too hahahahahahaha:D


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chekin in

this is the time of year that i like to checkinonamate. check your mate out real good. if it smells like fish, then you might have caught a citation. rock fish season comes in for everybody else this sunday, so i was told. never known there was a season since being born & raised here. i did notice that we dont take trash cans for coolers for gray trout anymore. rockfish musta ate them, but speckles are getting on my nerves. tired of cooking them...
I'd like to send out a big thank you to "Old Navy" who was kind enough to renew his supporter's subscriptio once again. :thumb:

Thanks Old Navy!

I very much appreciate your kind and continuing support of the forums. :)


I'd like to send out a big thank you to "81 enchanter" who was also kind enough to renew his supporter's subscription once again.

Thanks 81!

I very much appreciate your very kind and continuing support of the forums!

Thanks again and enjoy! :)

I'd like to send out a big thank you to karzrus who just became our latest supporting member!

Thanks karzrus, I very much appreciate your kind support of the forums. :)

I'd like to send out a big thank you to "81 enchanter" who was also kind enough to renew his supporter's subscription once again.

Thanks 81!

I very much appreciate your very kind and continuing support of the forums!

Thanks again and enjoy! :)


love this site!! always be a member and try to keep at least one checkmate:surf:
Thanks 81, I share the sentiment! I love the site and plan to be around
for awhile. It's going to take more than a few off the wall threads and
posts to get rid of me! LOL.. Long live Checkmate freaks! I am one!:bigthumb:

yup you got it there, i just ignore that crap!!:poke:
I'd like to send out a couple of thank you's!

Firstly, I'd like to send out a big thank you to one of our very long time members and long time supporters "bdusted440" who was kind enough to send along his umpteenth donation.

Thanks "bd" I appreciate your very kind and continuing support of these forums. :thumb:

Secondly, I'd like to thank one of our newer members "bigredinohio" who was also kind enough to send along a donation as well. :)

Thanks "b.r.o."!

I also appreciate your very kind support of the forums and also thank you for contributing your restoration thread to the community. :thumb:

I know your thread will help and inspire many other members for many years to come. With any luck, some other members will also bring back some old Checkies from the landfill. So thanks again for putting your detailed thread together for everyone. :)

I hope both of you enjoy your subscriptions!

I'd like to send out a couple of more thank-you's. :)

Firstly, I'd like to send out a big thank you to "Jackscm88225", who is one of our newer members and now one of our newest supporters. :thumb:

Thanks very much Jack, I appreciate your kind support of the forums - I hope you enjoy your supporter's subscription. :)

Secondly, I'd like to thank john lamon who is also one of our newer members and also one of our newest supporters. :)

Thanks John! I also very much appreciate your kind support as well and hope you enjoy your supporter's subscription. :thumb:

Thanks again Fellas! :cheers:

Thanks for the great site! Newbie from IA... waiting for spring.
Well on behalf of everyone that has contributed and helped to build the forums over the years, I say, "thank you". :)

That's quite an entrance! :thumb:

Thanks very much for your kind support of the forums and your kind words - both are very much appreciated.

I very much hope you enjoy your supporter's subscription and thanks again for your support. :)


I think I've fallen through the cracks. I sent a donation on Nov 3 via paypal, and even put my username in the comments.
