Thanks Will!Just renewed my membership for one year thanks for the reminder Chris .
I very much appreciate you renewing your subscription!
Enjoy and thanks again.
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Thanks Will!Just renewed my membership for one year thanks for the reminder Chris .
ide like carry some bird watchers on a fish watching tour after my lobster eating frenzy. i dont have to go out but 1 hour a weekend and fly my enchanter for 5 minutes, and im nearly sick of eating crabs & clams & seafood. im sick of going slow too hahahahahahahaChris has added a donation icon at the bottom of the page. Click the icon and read all about it.
Thanks in advance for helping out.
I'd like to send out a big thank you to "81 enchanter" who was also kind enough to renew his supporter's subscription once again.
Thanks 81!
I very much appreciate your very kind and continuing support of the forums!
Thanks again and enjoy!
love this site!! always be a member and try to keep at least one checkmate
Thanks 81, I share the sentiment! I love the site and plan to be around
for awhile. It's going to take more than a few off the wall threads and
posts to get rid of me! LOL.. Long live Checkmate freaks! I am one!
Well on behalf of everyone that has contributed and helped to build the forums over the years, I say, "thank you".Thanks for the great site! Newbie from IA... waiting for spring.