Here's a small section of core I had to replace, posts no 77 &78.
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Damn all most half the core was bad? The area you sanded is it clean?
yup, funny though, i think most of the bad core was self inflicted..
most of the wet was at areas where there was either a screw or a cut in the cloth where i removed the floor 3 years ago...must not have sealed it good enough...of course it didnt help that she doubled as a hot tub last winter...
around the transom there was a rip in the cloth, i dont know where it came from....i looked at old photos, it was there 3 years ago, i never fixed it...big lesson for us all here...
Yes thats what it looks like with a quick sand and vacume....whats left is on there good, i removed all of the bad core with a good flat i need to sand to the hull glass??
As long as it's roughed up you should be good to go. I would follow Coops Core repair that was posted in the other thread.
Jeff , is there any wet core left at all , and if so remove and replace .First of all...playmate, with two pasties, yup sounds gay, not thats there anything wrong with that...ha!
Sorry i missed your call...ill be at it tomorrow afternoon, so please try again...The pics below will show where im at...what do you think, do I need to sand further, theres nothing loose, just not to the original shell...i had to remove, in proportion, about 40% of the core....
Jeff , i will give you a call tomorrow in the afternoon , and to tell you the truth i have been looking foward to being able to talk with you .thats my plan with a little help from OG.....heres a picture of what i found last spring...
i must have removed a least 200lbs of dead weight since i opened the floor 2 weeks ago...and i hit 69 mph gps with all that on christmas eve....![]()
Jeff , i tried to give you a call today to explain a few other things in depth but non the less i will try again tomorrow . Hey guys . i noticed that Tim ski$ has two stars which underneath says Playmate and tim please do not take this the wrong way but to me that sounds kinda gay because we both are from being Playmates Ha Ha Ha .
Just give it some time and you'll be a "playmate" too.I just have to keep at it to get out of this "playmate" phase.
Jeff , is there any wet core left at all , and if so remove and replace .
Jeff , looking good and i apologize for not getting back with you earlier today considering i just walked in the door and got hammered with 10 inches of snow today with 3 to 6 tonite ...O -WELL thats Mich . Jeff , are you going to be around tomorrow ?ready for lamination....![]()
Jeff , looking good and i apologize for not getting back with you earlier today considering i just walked in the door and got hammered with 10 inches of snow today with 3 to 6 tonite ...O -WELL thats Mich . Jeff , are you going to be around tomorrow ?![]()
Jeff looks good,excellent job so far!!! Are you gonna use just one 3/4" ply or go two pieces together for 1 1/2" transom? You can hang a big ole mota off the back with extra support!!! My Enforcer was built to handle twins from the factory. When I replaced the transom went with 3 3/4" plywood encapsulated with 1708. The knees are stout as well. My mota hangs 2' off the back as well.![]()
Jeff just curious have you purchased a laminating roller at this point by Bodi -Aluminum 3 inch is what i prefer , Acetone ,plastic bondo spreaders ,good pair of sharp shears for cutting fabric ,wet out (paint)roller with roller covers , masking film or poly sheeting which helps keep the slop down.... or any unwanted resin from getting on the boat or areas of concern that dosent need to get resin on , buckets ,paint sticks or a cheap power drill paint mixer bit , Cabosil , rubber or latex gloves , And maybe a Tyvek suit to keep your clothes from getting resin on them just a few item to think about before starting this project .
Jeff ,just curious.... have you given much thought on purchasing a few needed items at this point such as ........... a laminating roller by Bodi -Aluminum 3 inch is what i prefer , Acetone ,plastic bondo spreaders ,good pair of sharp shears for cutting fabric ,wet out (paint)roller with roller covers , masking film or poly sheeting which helps keep the slop down.... or any unwanted resin from getting on the boat or areas of concern that dosent need to get resin on , buckets ,paint sticks or a cheap power drill paint mixer bit , Cabosil , rubber or latex gloves , And maybe a Tyvek suit to keep your clothes from getting resin on them . Jeff just thought i would throw this out to help get you started .
Theres definitely 2 layers of 3/4...going to laminate and encapsulate them with 1708, like OG suggested. The factory had 2 layers of 1/2 and 1 layer of 1/4??? Im finding with epoxy, you should use a specific CSM, one made for it. But I will only use that for the balsa bottom and cover the 3/4 plywood floor. The Knees are 1 1/2 also, not real big, but not a deep hull either...only 25" from the top of the transom fiberglass hull to the plywood pad...Do you have twins mota's on your girl??
Im looking to get a total of 12" set back...trying to decide how to get that, Boatman suggested 1 manual set back plate and 1 hydro...I have a 4" land and sea...not so nice but it works. Figure if I get a 8 inch set back static plate i could attach the land and sea for now, then when the land and sea dies buy a nice 4" hydo