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Well I have finally begun my boat prep for this trip. I decided to quiet it down alot by putting some Dana Marine baffled tips with flappers I picked up from a very cool Christo680. Now its as quiet as grandmas Caddy. My wife can talk and actually hear the tunes while running. Next up all this week is buffing and normal trailer trip stuff. I won the procrastination award in 6th grade can you tell. See ya alll soon! :cheers:
Well I have finally begun my boat prep for this trip. I decided to quiet it down alot by putting some Dana Marine baffled tips with flappers I picked up from a very cool Christo680. Now its as quiet as grandmas Caddy. My wife can talk and actually hear the tunes while running. Next up all this week is buffing and normal trailer trip stuff. I won the procrastination award in 6th grade can you tell. See ya alll soon! :cheers:
If it's too loud, your too old......:poke:

Just sayin!
Why didnt I think of that Corey. Actually tired of going to court over the noise. Hard to have a good time when the popo is always up my. ...... Ron I got this, this time. Haha
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Dave's boat has arrived:


I heard he's trying to decide if he should trailer it down or just deflate it for the ride.

this list should be qouted, no adding in someone else name, add your name, or un add your name and post it.
the result is a list of members who will be there. including non members who will be there.

first avator name, second real first name, model boat, total persons in your name.
1. SENATOR HOLLAND, helmich, no boat, 1 person.
2. RNGRDVE, dave, 2 persons (incl wife)
3. Problem Child ,Jeff, Persuader 235, 4 partiers total ( Fletcher Crew)
4. 2tonchevy, Max Moore, 2800sx, a boat full
5. jjg, Jeff, Pulsare1850, 2 persons
6. Check185,Will, Pulsare1850, 2 persons
7. Cooperider,Barry, Persuader170, at least one person, maybe two.
8. wldhorse86, Eric, convincor 270br, 2 persons
9. Gimme Fuel, Ron, 253 Convincor, 2 persons
10. DropTop5.0, Chris & Satasha , Pulsare 2100, 2 persons and some beer.
11. John Lamon, John, blow up row boat, 1 person
12. Slingblade,Jeff and Debbie,260 Enforcer,and lot's of Beer
13. kalugs22, Aaron, V-Mate II or Pulsare 2100br, 1 Person and a Cooler
14. ckaluger, Chuck, Pulsare 2100br, 1 Person
15. Merc245, Jeff, 92 Starflite, Myself & player to be named later
16. jodan705, Jordan, 283 Convincor, 4 persons
17. corey331, Corey, 253 Convincor, 2 people
18. 1989checkmate, Tom, 259 Convincor, 3 people, maybe 5
19. horseplay1, Doug & Mindy 253 convincor plus 2 LUSHES Women
20. High Voltage, John & Michele, 2400 brx, plus 2
21. jason_martin, Jason, 253 Convincor, ? persons
22.Check 253, Bill and Monica. 300 Convincor.
23. W Vaughan Entertainer 8 persons.
24. Fastcheckmate, Pat & Liz Blazin fast 259 Convincer
25. TJIndy280, Troy and Jamisyn, 37 Stiletto
26. ndaniels, Nick, 24 Superboat, 2 persons
27. Rcenter1 Rob Centers & Nicole, 24ft convincor
28. yellowfiero88


Is this list still accurate? Any more to add or people who can't make it.
I'm down to 4800 miles to drive before I get on the plane next Thursday, can't come soon enough, I'm thinking my truck might break down after this next 2400 miles and need to go into the shop so I can't make that last trip so I got time to rest before the festivitys...as it is I'll be cutting it close, should arrive at home only 6 hours before I board my flight.
Unfortunately, life got in the way for me this year and I will not be able to attend. I deeply regret this as I was looking forward to meeting many of the newbies coming this year. Even if I had parts to finish my boat, I wouldn't have had the time to work on it. Been dealing with a bunch of family responsibilities and issues instead.
Unfortunately, life got in the way for me this year and I will not be able to attend. I deeply regret this as I was looking forward to meeting many of the newbies coming this year. Even if I had parts to finish my boat, I wouldn't have had the time to work on it. Been dealing with a bunch of family responsibilities and issues instead.
you should come on down . I have lots of room. Only my wife and I .
I would be nice to have someone drive when I can't see :cheers:any more.
Sling, I appreciate the offer and I would gladly drive that red rocket while you are blinded by the "shine" down there. I will be down next year and we will see which 540.....drinks more fuel....haha