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Brian that shot of your boat is SICK. Keep em comin. :thumb::thumb::eyecrazy:

I wish I could...... that was the only good pic taken. There was 4 total taken, only 2 good, 1 OK, 1 out of focus. Lots of upset people who got the same poor pics while the $500k boats got hundreds taken:shakehead: Was still a fun run tho!
Here is the other one.

I will say JJG (Jeff) got splashed by another black 283 convincor, while airborne at mid to upper 60mph!!! Coming out of grider's cove was very fun to say the least. We even convinced a Fountain owner that Checkmates are some bad a$$ boats! Also got to meet Kelly O..... the guy who built "blown milk check". Very cool guy I will say:surf:
Did some tweaks over winter and spring. She is running very strong if I say so ;) Still slow, but the torque is sick! She fly's very level and lands smooth. Her handling is awesome and does nothing bad. For 310hp motors, I think that they rock that hull. 71gps best, 66 in any water condition is not shabby ;)

Don't worry about the air pump....... Dave is full of all kinds of hot air!!! :lol:
Here is the other one.

I will say JJG (Jeff) got splashed by another black 283 convincor, while airborne at mid to upper 60mph!!! Coming out of grider's cove was very fun to say the least. We even convinced a Fountain owner that Checkmates are some bad a$$ boats! Also got to meet Kelly O..... the guy who built "blown milk check". Very cool guy I will say:surf:

Its Fõntáne :rof: