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Im pretty sure I will be a little to, how do I say it DRUNK to drive come night fall if all goes as planned. I wish I could stop working now and head down a little early. Who will be the first one there. Merc ?
Unfortunately, life got in the way for me this year and I will not be able to attend. I deeply regret this as I was looking forward to meeting many of the newbies coming this year. Even if I had parts to finish my boat, I wouldn't have had the time to work on it. Been dealing with a bunch of family responsibilities and issues instead.

I will be there thrusday night. As soon as I pick Helmich up at the airport the party bus will be headed south. Should be there between 8:30-9:00 pm.
Edit, I checked the flight plan and he is scheduled to land an hour earlier than I thought. As long as his flight is on time there will still be some daylight when we arrive.
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We should be on the lake by noon Thursday burning some fuel. Anyone know whats the last good town to stop at and grab some last minute goodies.
We should be on the lake by noon Thursday burning some fuel. Anyone know whats the last good town to stop at and grab some last minute goodies.

If you are talking about alcohol, the only place around the lake to get it is Somerset. Everyplace else is dry. If anybody that is down early and runs out by Saturday, shoot me a message and I'll pick some up for ya and give it to ya when we get down that way. I'll be down Friday evening and I'm gonna put in on Saturday in Burnside (just a couple of miles from Somerset) and run the whole lake down. Since its only the wife and me in the boat, I can load her up and bring it to ya!!
If you are talking about alcohol, the only place around the lake to get it is Somerset. Everyplace else is dry. If anybody that is down early and runs out by Saturday, shoot me a message and I'll pick some up for ya and give it to ya when we get down that way. I'll be down Friday evening and I'm gonna put in on Saturday in Burnside (just a couple of miles from Somerset) and run the whole lake down. Since its only the wife and me in the boat, I can load her up and bring it to ya!!

Is dat bote fast nuff to bee a rum runner :poke::rof:
Sling, I appreciate the offer and I would gladly drive that red rocket while you are blinded by the "shine" down there. I will be down next year and we will see which 540.....drinks more fuel....haha

I'm hoping you are talking about the boat............. never can tell with a ginger Chewbacca!!! Sucks you can't make it Ron, I'm sure we'll see you at the new year bash if not sooner! :)