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We need to do a houseboat this year !!!!! The lake is supposed to be raised since the dam is completed, so more water means more...

But with more water, comes all the debris that has been building up on the shore for the past seven years. They say the dam will be done by the end of February/ Beginining of March, but then there is a "worksite restoration" period and a period of testing the embedded sensors in the wall. I'm hoping water starts going up by the end of March or early April so we can have those rainy months to flush all the crap out!! Either way, I'm ready to have my Lake back to normal!! That extra 40 feet of water has made my walk from our dock up to the house HELL for the last 7 years!!!

Back on topic..... I'm hoping to make the rally. Chances are, I'll be down at the lake anyways.