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I hate how the deck on a baja is rounded....everything is rounded....I like some sharp corners and flat decks....Like teamhart2 said...they look like a spaceship, not a go-fast boat.

Would you buy a chevy with a ford emblem on it? NO! It is no different to buy a baja with checkmate painted on the side.
Never been a fan of that EURO-CRAP design in boats from the beginning.One day I'll own 24ft checkmate and it will be a fast running deep v with good amout of freeboard and drop out bolsters.It just won't be new!
WOW! Lots of mixed fellings about this. I am a true Checkmate fanatic. I will not own and drive anything else! My biggest problem with the Baja's has always been there quality. If you remember, they started out with Checkmate molds. They have just never had the quality of a Checkmate. As for this new so called B-mate, I think we need to look past the long rivalry between these 2 company's. The fact is, there are people out the who like C-mates but not Baja's and people who would buy a Baja and not a Checkmate. Now with that being said and our economy in the shape it's in, why not try to capture a share of the market that you otherwise would never have had, except with a better quality product with some extra sales that could help keep our favorite boat builder afloat. The comment was made that the CC fishing boat was a good looking rig, well it is also a Baja. There are alot of boat company's that are closing shop and I don't want Checkmate to be one of them. Besides, with the Checkmate graphics, the new ZT is not that bad looking. No it doesn't look like a Checkmate, but it is not suppose to. As for performance, it may not be as fast as a true Checkmate, but again, this boat is aimed at the people who were looking to buy a low quality over priced Baja and not a quality built Checkmate. Everyone likes somehting different. Now the people who liked the looks of the Baja can have there cake and eat it too! LONG LIVE CHACKMATE! boatman:cheers: p.s. be easy on me guys:rof:

They should have called it the Retro H2x by Checkmate not a ZT

Sorry man but you act like its a new creation when its not it is a exact duplicate of what has been sold for years and the boat trader is full of them. IF this boat does sell is Doug going to the landfill with a shovel and dig up the other molds so he has more sizes to offer.

Whats the difference than taking a mustang and putting a bowtie on it.
There’s a market for discontinued baja’s? It is what it is…a baja. That Checkmate sticker don’t change anything. Do you get a free Mr. T starter kit when you buy one?

No Checkmate-head is ever gonna buy that boat. And once others figure out what it is, they won’t either. There has to be about a dozen or more of those things where I go boating. Why would someone buy one of these and park it next to one that has a baja sticker, because now it’s built better? That may be, but those dipsh%ts don’t know the difference. That’s just my opinion, but I bet I’m right.

Looks to me like someone just can’t let go of the past. It won’t be long and the old Checkmate style and lines will be gone.

WOW! Lots of mixed fellings about this. I am a true Checkmate fanatic. I will not own and drive anything else! My biggest problem with the Baja's has always been there quality. If you remember, they started out with Checkmate molds. They have just never had the quality of a Checkmate. As for this new so called B-mate, I think we need to look past the long rivalry between these 2 company's. The fact is, there are people out the who like C-mates but not Baja's and people who would buy a Baja and not a Checkmate. Now with that being said and our economy in the shape it's in, why not try to capture a share of the market that you otherwise would never have had, except with a better quality product with some extra sales that could help keep our favorite boat builder afloat. The comment was made that the CC fishing boat was a good looking rig, well it is also a Baja. There are alot of boat company's that are closing shop and I don't want Checkmate to be one of them. Besides, with the Checkmate graphics, the new ZT is not that bad looking. No it doesn't look like a Checkmate, but it is not suppose to. As for performance, it may not be as fast as a true Checkmate, but again, this boat is aimed at the people who were looking to buy a low quality over priced Baja and not a quality built Checkmate. Everyone likes somehting different. Now the people who liked the looks of the Baja can have there cake and eat it too! LONG LIVE CHACKMATE! boatman:cheers: p.s. be easy on me guys:rof:

Nicely put.
Gents, It looks to me that Mr Smith, in the quest to save money and appeal to the masses, has taken some old Baja molds out of moth balls and is now building them as Checkmates. I'm sure the quality is alot better than it was at Baja...but it's still NOT a Checkmate!! Unless Mr Smith can prove that the boat performs extremely well power for power against like sized boats, he's failed and potentially lost the true Checkmate fan as a buyer. :shakehead:
Do you get a free Mr. T starter kit when you buy one?

Man that is great!:lol:

We will need to split the forum up into two sections.

Pre-smith Mates
Post-smith Mates

Or better yet...... not even post anything to do with them ever!!!
Gents, It looks to me that Mr Smith, in the quest to save money and appeal to the masses, has taken some old Baja molds out of moth balls and is now building them as Checkmates. I'm sure the quality is alot better than it was at Baja...but it's still NOT a Checkmate!! Unless Mr Smith can prove that the boat performs extremely well power for power against like sized boats, he's failed and potentially lost the true Checkmate fan as a buyer. :shakehead:

He lost me……my guess would be that they won’t continue to build different styles of boats side by side for long…. A line of sharp-lined flat decks AND a line of Euro style bubbles? no…..they’ll gradually narrow it down to one style so all their models are similar.

I know one thing, if anyone I know buys one, they’ll catch some major flack from me, cause I will lay it on thick.

Man that is great!:lol:

We will need to split the forum up into two sections.

Pre-smith Mates
Post-smith Mates

Or better yet...... not even post anything to do with them ever!!!

I bought a 2100 (Combs Era Mold and Design) during the Smith Era...Can I still come around????

I almost wished that Checkmate was no longer in business....at least than it wouldn't be such a slap in the face to the Combs and all the hard work they did over the years.

I know that times change and so does styling but to "copy" or "steal" a former competitors model is not cool. At least they save a lot of money in the R&D Department.

Maybe the Combs should wait for Doug to trash all the old Checkmate molds and relaunch under a new company...."Checkmate Classics".