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Guess nobody on this board is old enough to know that CheckMate and Baja have been swapping boat molds since day one. Nothing new at all.

You are partially correct...Baja was born out of retired Checkmate molds..but to my knowledge, no Checkmates (until now) came from Baja molds...
Guess nobody on this board is old enough to know that CheckMate and Baja have been swapping boat molds since day one. Nothing new at all.

I heard a bit different version of that story......FROM A VERY RELIABLE SOURCE!!!!!!

But then again you are over 40, and everyone in there 40's knows more than everyone in there 20's! :shakehead:
I heard a bit different version of that story......FROM A VERY RELIABLE SOURCE!!!!!!

But then again you are over 40, and everyone in there 40's knows more than everyone in there 20's! :shakehead:

first baja was called a cobra I own one still and have been asked by many who know if i would sell it

cobra wasnt around for long because someone else already had the rights to the name

so it became baja.

the molds were checkmate 16
combs wouldnt let baja/cobra use certain colers and absoultly no metal flake. from what i have heard and baja paid a percent to combs for using molds.

i wish i had pics of that 16 cobra i have but it is up in a rack building.

this is how baja started and also how it got its name.
when doug smith was hit with the delima of what to call his boat other than cobra since the name was already taken and the other company or person told him of it and to change it

he had to think of a name for this new line, what to call it, hmm.

i like motercycles, i like the baja 500.

that is it baja.
I almost wished that Checkmate was no longer in business....at least than it wouldn't be such a slap in the face to the Combs and all the hard work they did over the years.

I know that times change and so does styling but to "copy" or "steal" a former competitors model is not cool. At least they save a lot of money in the R&D Department.

Maybe the Combs should wait for Doug to trash all the old Checkmate molds and relaunch under a new company...."Checkmate Classics".

As much as I hate to see this happening, you have to bare in mind that times are tough for everybody...even boat builders. I'm sure Mr. Smith is taking advantage of existing molds because they are time consuming and very expensive to build from scratch. It's not really a slap in the face to the Combs family..both Kip and Mike still work at Checkmate. It's just business and trying to capitalize on gaining market share. Checkmate once built a center console but it was special order. For them to produce a center console is an attempt to reach out to a broader audience. This new 24' H2X?? is another attempt at capturing an audience that appeals to the euro rounded look. As long as Checkmate keeps producing their classic muscle boats; Convincors, Pulsares, ZT's etc. they'll retain my respect and support. This is a time for change and it's obvious that Checkmate is making changes...most of them have been good for the company. Only time will tell if these changes will also pan out....
This new 24' H2X?? is another attempt at capturing an audience that appeals to the euro rounded look. As long as Checkmate keeps producing their classic muscle boats; Convincors, Pulsares, ZT's etc. they'll retain my respect and support. This is a time for change and it's obvious that Checkmate is making changes...most of them have been good for the company. Only time will tell if these changes will also pan out....

Jup, I agree with you, but my bet is complete change of the Checkmate style is the plan. I doubt they will maintain molds for two different 24’ boats…next the 270’s, the 280’s….hopefully I’m wrong. This is really hard to handle/understand….I’m lost. Now I have to put up with this crap all summer long, cause we have a dealer here that I’m sure will order one of these. I can hear it now from the baja clan….”Finally Checkmate is improving their styling”…puke.

not trying to put salt in the wounds here.....

check out pics in the other thread. Look closely at the 25 fishing boat.
its a great looking boat in my opinion. the new 244 is a good looking boat too, just not in the traditional styling of checkmate. I too agree that just putting a different name on it is a huge shortcut. I would have liked to have seen some deck changes too! I understand the molds are expensive but.............

anyway, look at the boat in this link and compare to the fishing boat.

I too expected some Deck changes.

I don't have a problem with the same hull, but the deck is killing me.

Were the same (heavy) construction methods used???

Reggie Fountain (from what I have read) changed to a stringer system to improve the weight of the Baja's. I am no expert, this is simply what I read in a boating magazine.
I wouldn't mind so much if they reused molds and did some restyling to the deck and interior....redesigned stringers and used better materials to lessen weight, that is all fine. Ya know...change the lines a little. But to just buy a mold, build a boat, paint a new name on it, not change ANYTHING and call it something new.....that is just lazy and uncreative. A good product is unique, performs well, and stands out from the pack (like an original Checkmate).

Painting Checkmate on a baja is like giving someone's grandma a boob job.......I still wouldn't do it!
Here is a funny post by a old Baja dealer about the Center Console Baja that Checkmate made

Re: Baja 250 Sportfish Now The Checkmate SFX 250
I couldn't give one of those bobbing corks away when we sold them.... I always cringed when I was told to order one.... ugh..... Give it some beam and some large coffin boxes (that didn't fall through the floor when you put ice in them) and then "maybe" we could have sold it....

Sorry guys....gotta say I am not happy to see this re-birth... I know there are peeps out there that like them....JMO....

i hope i run into one of these baja-mates this year as opposed to the rest of you............................why?................................................................
well you know- so i can lay down an old-fashoin a** whoopin' on it and then explain how to the "new" owner!!!!! wow will they be dissapointed!

and yes i have an '87 starflite:poke:action-smiley-055.gif
well the one thing that bothers me the most is the fact, under Mr Smith's supervision baja did in fact turn out some real crap, poor quality, poor performace, all disgussed in a decent looking package for the most part. Been comical to some point listening to some of the guys on OSO with baja's throwing BIG h/p at them in attemps to get them to run some good #'s, most to no avail....just over weight and poor hull design...kills you everytime..years ago had a freind with a 240 that put in stupid h/p, I'm talking over 1000...only to be dusted off by another friends 21 check with a stock 330 and a stern jack with a alpha !!....anyway back on track...why should we think Mr Smith won't do the same with quality control and building style.....history does repeat itself....Rob
All I've got to say, is if the company can sell the resurrected boats for a profit and stay in business, then they stay in business to build my favorite Pulsare line.
Thanks Coop. You guys are the voice of the CHECKMATE OWNERS, just as we are the voice of the BAJA OWNERS, we certainly can all share in this interesting development together.

"Share in this interesting development together" ........more like two cross town rivals, who's parents met on a singles cruise and are forced to share a house and be called Step Brothers.

Welcome to the Board Blake.:welcome: