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New profile posts

Toying around with a 2001 Paradise by St. Martin/checkmate looking to to hit the 45-50mph range with the 50hp Tohatsu that's on it. I am running a 5-1/2' offset manual jackplane with a 14 pitch Yamaha prop and hydraulic steering. Currently running GPS 39-40mph at about 5400rpm.
added pics of my 1987 Senator 454/Alpha1 - factory 330/350 hp - I have a upgraded cam intake and carb for it maybe it will bring it up to 375hp

Boats I own
1. 1979 Checkmate Trimate II
2. 1987 Checkmate Senator
3. ( pole barn 1st ) then - Dream boat-- year? - Checkmate- 25' Pursuader Cat - Prototype - ( gutted restoration project ) ~
4. 1968 G.W.Invader 16' 4 seat tunnel hull ( project )


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Looking for 78 v mate 1 seats any kind at all.
What kind of seats are you looking for, wraparounds like original or plain flat seats, I have some plastic seat bases.
I have a 1979 checkmate Trimate 2 with a 1978 Mercury 1150 for sale . The engine was last run in 2019. I had installed a brand new axle in the trailer in 2019. I am willing to let this go at $1500. My email is TKarski06@aol.com the boat is located in Sugar Grove Illinois.


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New to the site…I am restoring a 1987 Checkmate…Blue and tan colors. Would like to find the original paint numbers. Would like to post pictures of it but don’t know how to. Replacing the original 135 Mariner for a 135 Honda Four stroke.C983A7FA-1EC7-484E-876A-C894A25CA3A0.jpeg


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Hello guys I’m new to this I have a question I have a 1996 playmate 120 hp where can I find parts for this or is there a website
Hey, I looked at the pic of the prop, looks awesome! Im hoping to get out on the water this weekend to do some prop testing. Im currently running a label 28 pitch but its not enough. Im pretty much down to either a straight 28 pitch or a 30 pitch. I will let you know ASAP though with what I find. If its the 30 pitch I need consider yours sold!
Also..... just was doing some reading on the forum and see you have a procharger installed.... This is why Im going threw the prop testing now as I installed one on my boat in the spring.... Very interested to pick your brain on your prop selection and what you found with your boat.... If your interested my email is bobbygillis@hotmail.com

How did you make out with your prop testing?
with your name of 2002xjr, does that mean you have one, if so, have you ever had your rear differential seals replaced, I have a 2003xjr R1 and the seals leak?? thanks, mark
I do but never had a rear diff leak.
Clean the differential breather and refill with lubricant.

Many leaks have been caused by a clogged breather causing high internal pressures which push lubricant past the seals. Cleaning the breather eliminates the cause and the leak goes away.
Looks like you got a convincor, what model do you have now?
flyby knight
flyby knight
Hey there. Yes we moved up to a 242 sport a few years ago. The ole Persuader was a super fun ride but little too small for the big weekends on our lakes here. You still have the same Convincor?
Yep, I still have the same 259. Motor is currently out getting refreshed for the second time since I have owned it. Last summer I sure missed that old stock 350 mag LOL but you are describing why I sold it, I did not miss it on a busy Saturday that's for sure. It is a fun hull with 1' of shop or less though. and i always wondered how it would run with about a hundred more hp like a 383 or 400 small block.
hello do you still have the checkmate steering wheel ? thanks
I'm looking for all six gauges for a 76 checkmate jetmate as well as the motor cover please contact me at 918 777 0599 I will buy them
Chris this is Sammie from Action Marine. I hope all is going good for you my Friend. Chris I am on a new PC and I tried to log in under Viper 1 and it would Not let me do so. I had the right password but I still could not log in under Viper 1. Can you Please Help me my Friend? Sincerely Sammie from Action Marine
Hello I was wondering if you could answer a couple of questions for me. First I have a 1990 Vision 221. I found a fuel leak in the tank. I need to pull it and I want to try it myself. What size tank is in the boat and how do I cut the floor to get at it? Do I cut along the stringer on each side? I just need a start and then I can get on with the project. Thank you for you expertise
I bought a JetMate from you, but oddly, the fellow that took the cheque from me, looked just like son of "Bob"...from whom you purchased this boat...Not looking for trouble, I live with my mistakes...but this boat is not sea worthy and we need to reverse engineer the hull damage, still leaking...After two (2) + years, I have still never even had a ride in this boat...Any assistance you could provide, would be greatly appreciated...
I'm in trouble now...mrs read some of the info in here and has decided on a 115 for the Playmate GT clone...I only wanted a 60 :(