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New profile posts

Wow...that was rude me not replying..I never saw this from10 years ago..
Hi..and thanks...
Assuming the date is right!? Lol
Guys I have a 1992 Pulse 170 with a Evinrude 120 hp outboard my question is. What’s the biggest outboard I can throw on it? Thanks
agreed its pretty heavy for an 18 footer @ 1200+ pounds. I have a jack plate and additional setback on mine with a Mariner 175 and a 23 pitch nothing fancy prop, it will push her into the low 60's. Soon I'll be swapping the 1989 2.4L 175 powerhead for a 1996 2.5L 200 model. Can't wait to see how she runs then!
Hey, I think you used to own that nice Enforcer with twin yammers. That boat from the factory was originally for a single OB correct? How much set back did you have with those gil brackets? I just picked up a project Enforcer setup got single but want to run twins like yours. Thanks
Hey I’m trying to figure out if you were the previous owner of an enforcer that I’m trying to buy.
Hello Chris will there be a owners rally at Cumberland this summer of 2019, if so what weekend.
Thank You Steve Schneider email steve.r@aol.com
I think he has to be a bit careful due to copyrights and all that good stuff. Send me your email or phone number and I’ll send you pics of 2 he did up for me.
This is a resend of a message from last week. Please change my name to "PA-Checkmate" as I now own a Convincor 270? I also just joined so I may post photos and would like to be considered for Dec Checkmate?
hello. my name is cam. i just wanted you to know that your checkmate vmate 1 is in my mind the perfect example of what a vintage high performance checkmate should be. me and my dad restored a vmate 2 as closely to yours as we could. i would like to show you pictures of it so you can see. find me on facebook, my name on there is cam crysler and my profile picture is my vmate 2 and a mx15 next to each other in the water.
Chris, thank you as you got the right one. It was an error on my part that I copied and pasted the wrong link to Craigslist and some should be throat punched lick job kept editing the ad. The price was down to $7000 at one point. I spoke with a LOT of nice people who thought they stumbled on a steal. Finally got it pulled from Craigslist. Boat sold to an extremely happy gentleman from Pennsylvania for $19,500. It was mint! Loving my new Randy Corson built 2100. Needs a 300 on the back again though. Happy Boating, Roger Maki