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Board Milestones

I just noticed we hit the 10,000 post mark in Play to Win.

We've been a chatty bunch.
I thought I'd dig up this old thread since....

We passed the 70,000 post mark today. :)
Wow, Im trying to keep up my job posting here in Washington. Doesnt seem to be many guys from here KEVIN R and myself.Guess we need to do some recruiting.:D Aaron
its been said before but it needs to be said again - thanks for hosting a helluva party here - 4000 people can't be wrong!!!
its been said before but it needs to be said again - thanks for hosting a helluva party here - 4000 people can't be wrong!!!
Thanks Chris.

You guys are the party, I just throw open the doors to the joint.

And attempt to keep them open as much as possible! :bigthumb:
Wonder what would happen if all 4500 were on the site at once........:eyecrazy:
It would shut us down. We've already had a few time out issues from time to time caused by too many simoltaneous server requests. ;)

When things slow down this winter, we'll more than likely have to upgrade our server. :yell: :)