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Even More CL Finds!

JW, I have way to much time on my hands....

That’s the first used 260 Convincor I’ve seen for sale. Hard to believe that models been out for 6 years now.

You need one of those 1600s as a play boat!
Good Lord!

Just got afew chubbies watching that. How come none of you Delaware guys do that for me?:rof:Let me be more specific,,,,your boats.
Come on Sim, it’s OK to admit to others and more importantly to yourself that you do really feel some pressure in your pants (a tightening of the trunks, if you will) when ChuckB or Spence go flying by. Come on and take that first step, acceptance will set yourself free! p.s. this is a judgment free zone.
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87 251 Convincor w- 454 for $7500. Cheap 25’ for someone!

92 23’ Persuader w- 454 for 12.5K.

08 2100 BR Pulsare w- 225 Merc for 22.5K.

88 Sportfire IO w- 4.3L for $6795.

I love that 88 Sportfire IO, my favorite CM model! Wonder if I could squeeze one of Corey’s L6s into it! 👍
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That 86 Enforcer looks really nice but $18.5 seems really steep especially since the interior hasnt been updated. Plus the alpha drive. Shouldnt that be in the 12-14 range?
I've seen that Enforcer on several different CL cities and with multiple different date updates.....might be a scam.

I don't think it's a scam, boat has mn registration, that's usually my first tip to a scam when it's listed in one state and the registration is from across the continent. As far as the $ and the alpha.... the camper enclosure is a 3000 option to have made up. If its as nice as it looks I think the price is in the ballpark, a new comparable would be 80k. I'd guess if you threw 150 Benjamin Franklins in the guys face you are towing it home.
The alpha drive will live if you know how to drive it nice, and maybe even if you don't. I have an acquaintance that had the same boat and power package, he put the thing to the boards from an idle every time he left the no wake and launched it prop out of the water more than once and that alpha never broke. For the average boater an alpha behind a big block is fine. For the offshore racers, or wannabes.... not the case
Remember also, that they aren't going to get one penny more than someone is willing to pay. Never hesitate to negotiate.
I always love that argument. It might cost 80K now but its 33 years old.

Not every one needs to sell their boat, myself, I've bought and sold 9 boats at the age of 39, boat #s 10 and 11 Are in the garage and driveway, 12(pontoon) is in the lake at the in-laws cabin. I buy one, use it for a few years til I get bored then I put it out there for a price I deem to be fair. So far I've made money on every single boat except one I sold to a friend at 500$ loss, after using it for 3 full summers. Point being, maybe his price is what he came up with as his number to sell and if not he keeps it. Sometimes what seems like a high price to you may not seem high to the next guy. I'd much sooner spend 18 on that enforcer of its clean and dry from indoor storage than 8 on one some clown parked under the old oak tree thinking his Wal-Mart cover was actually going to protect the boat.
https://www.powerboatlistings.com/view/59658 Faster better ride -$3500

https://www.powerboatlistings.com/view/53124 Faster -$1500

https://www.powerboatlistings.com/view/52945 Similar not quite as nice -$7000

https://www.powerboatlistings.com/view/51825 faster -$8000

https://www.powerboatlistings.com/view/51454 much faster -$4500

www.powerboatlistings.com/view/51435 faster and better ride - $4000

These boats are all faster, and newer, some have better rides as well. The dollar amount is how much less than the Enforcer. This list took me 5 min to put together. I will give you that if you want an Enforcer only it is your best option, but most people arent so narrow in their boat searches.
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First of all, I ain't owning no boat called a banana. Don't see no speed specs on it either, might have missed it. The formula is kind a cool but where is the mph. The Persuader is listed for 10500 and dead sexy. The bhaha ha ha looks quite familiar, a couple of those pics tell a story. Never heard of python. I was thinkin about the 33 years old argument. In 68, a GTO was 3200 bucks, if I remember correctly. 51 years later, if I were to dream about selling it tonight, I'd probably have three phone calls before 8 am in the morning.