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I just got in a new 21 Liberator. Going to Australia

Looks bad ass. :D Ill stick with my used boat though. I do not have the control it takes to own a nice shiny boat like this. I don't think I could ever really have fun because I would be worried about the finish.
Most cats will have a porpoise zone. The 21 Liberator will hop between 60-75 in calm water. It does not hop in a 6" chop or more. Anyway, by having the tabs on top of the tunnels, you can put them down during the hop. This lifts the back and allows the trapped air to escape. When a cat hops, it's because the tunnel is compressing air. This lifts the boat. Pressure builds up and then "burps" out the back which drops the nose. Then it starts over again creating the hop. Once the boat gets up enough speed, the sponsons lift enough to create straight through air flow. This is where the hop will stop. Both tabs go up and down together.
Those tabs look like they would barely touch the water at 60 mph even lowered. Is that the whole point; to prevent the burping air more than pushing down on the water? Or are they firmly against the water at those speeds?
They touch the water up to about 80 mph. If they didn't work as intended, I certainly would not use them. I had a customer install them on the bottom of the sponsons and they slowed the boat way down.
I love everything I see except the 6x9 boxes. They look just thrown in. Maybe carpet them to match or add to the boxs to make them custom. I've seen the same boxes on a few of the boats. They just look walmart boxes. Custom boat needs custom boxs.:thumb:
So, WM, are we gonna get to see some picks of her in the water? Maybe a drive by vid before you ship her out?
The speaker boxes are just sitting there with extra length wire so that they can be placed easily on the rear deck if you are on the beach or in the water. They can also be unplugged and removed quickly. If they are attached in the boat and you want to hear them outside the boat, then whoever is in the boat will get blasted by the volume. I can mount them in the boat, but this works the best for most people. I have only had one person in 10 years that wanted them permanently mounted in a 21 Liberator.
I will have in water pics this week, but probably no drive-bys unless someone goes with me.
Thats cool, I would just expect something tricked out like matching color carpet and custom painted grills coming from the Wildman shop.. :bigthumb:
Those are Poly Planar Speakers and about $300 a pair. They are Stainless steel grilles. I dropped a pair in the water for 5-6 hours once. I dried them out and they still play like new, even with 800 watts pushing them. They will not take aftermarket grilles.
I got the boat on the trailer today. It always makes me nervous when the boat is sitting 4ft above the concrete waiting for the trailer to go under it.






These are the new wheels and tires for the trailer





The seats are mounted on sliders and can be reverse for a spotter during skiing with the saltwater crocodiles




Not the greatest pic, but the inside is lit up at night with blue LED rope lights.

That would make me nervous as well!!!! Those rims look good on the trailer!!!:thumb: Do you have another boat lined up to do the same thing? I really enjoyed watching you put a boat together from just the bare hull, thanks for sharing!!!
I will have in water pics this week, but probably no drive-bys unless someone goes with me.
Randy, I will be flying in thurs 2/23 for bachelor party/ Daytona 500. I plan on stopping by at some point as I am there till thurs 3/1. I'd be more than happy to take some running pics for you. I will be open all next week. LMK if I can help :thumb:
The boat came out beautifuly Randy. One thing I'm wondering is why the dual axle trailer? I would think that boat would be plenty light not to require it. Is it just a peace of mind thing?

A single axel trailer works great. This actually started out as a new single axel trailer. I changed it to a tandem. The tandem is mainly for looks. Gotta look good ya know!