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New project (Hard bow cover)

The only way i would consider BR vs LD,is that it would have this cover as an option.
Cant wait to see the finished product.
I agree with claupie as i have never been an open bow guy, but this is a cool idea. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Yeah I'm still brain storming on this and the hinge option. going to get it fit then sit back and think.

If you did do a hard bimini top with the bow cover the only issue might be finding a way to brace it and keep it stable side to side.
looking good...

you know, i saw a boat that had this option, it was for sale over this past summer on CL. I cant remember the mfg name though but it was a cool setup for sure!
looking good...

you know, i saw a boat that had this option, it was for sale over this past summer on CL. I cant remember the mfg name though but it was a cool setup for sure!

I know Stingray had this option for a little while but they no longer offer it.
Great, look forward to seeing the finished product! I would bet if you made more you could sell some, but the shipping would be brutal!

Yeah and the time I've put into it would make it to expensive to be worth it. Also I'm pretty sure every 21 BR even though made from the same mold would be enough different that each one would require a custum fit. It's amazing how different it is even from side to side. Been a fun project though more pics to come, thanks for all the good words.
Nice work! Like everybody else, I've had the same idea too, but lacked the "gumption" to do anything about it. Someone mentioned a piano hinge for storage...I had that thought to.

Keep at it! Can't wait to see it finished!