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New project (Hard bow cover)

I'd love something like this for my Liner.
Definitely need to close out the thread with pics and story - if only to inspire some of us to try it!
you're joking right? he just posted a few days ago

Nope... looking for fresh pics of the project, wife wants a bowrider, looking for ideas to stay with a Checkmate. We really dont want to buy a boat we cant afford and have to beg to sell it in a few years.
WOW, you guys took that all wrong, I just want to see some updated pics and how hes going to mount the damn thing. Lets not ruin the thead, PM me hate mail.
Last time he posted in this thread was a year ago and a few days ago. 4/12/12 or did you mean he posted somewhere else on the board a few days ago? In any case it'd be nice to get an update. Personally, a good cover color matched to the boat works for me, is lighter, and easy to store/remove. If you want more support for it a totally tube placed up there under the cover is about the right size to give you some extra support without adding much weight.

WOW, you guys took that all wrong, I just want to see some updated pics and how hes going to mount the damn thing. Lets not ruin the thead, PM me hate mail.

I wasn't offended...I have known that you are a RICHARD for years!:rof:
