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Tri-mate 2 over haul.

Here I sit again, basking in the odererific vapors of fresh paint. First to coats are on. Painting the inside of the boat is proving to be a pain. Fun getting in and out with out touching the paint. Fun stuff. The best part. NO FISH EYE'S. Stay tuned for more updates. If I can get it all down today. I should be able to pull the tape on Sunday.
Well the first 2 coats are down and dry, going to shoot the rest today. Picture came out a bit funny, thats the yellow haze. lol

After another full day of spraying I can say the painting is DONE. I have the heat cranked and will pull the tape on Sunday. Never thought this day would ever get here. I can finally start to rig the darn thing. Sure is yellow.:eyecrazy:
The paint is done and the tape removed. Now to wait a few weeks and then wet sand and buff. The pictures really don't do the color justice, but you get the idea. The picture of the spash well is to show the drain. All the deck hardware is the same color.

Just had to pull it out in the sun to see what it looked like. Then sweep all the paint dust out of the garage. Wife was getting tired of yellow foot prints in the house.LOL

question - never having done this before, why do you wet sand and then buff? the boat looks great in the pics - why the extra step?
Chris E said:
question - never having done this before, why do you wet sand and then buff? the boat looks great in the pics - why the extra step?

The paint is single stage enamel. Since it was painted in the garage and not a booth there is some trash in the paint and some orange peel. By running over the surface with 1500 grit, then 2000 grit, then buffing compound it will smooth the paint out like glass and really shine.
The fun never stops at my house. I wonder if the yellow on my hands will wash off.
I have continued to make a mess of the garage. Color sanding is just a ton of fun. Just about done giving the once over with 1000 grit. Then its on to 2000 grit, then a quick trip over it with 2500-3000 grit. Then a nice hand rub and shine. Was going to use a buffer, that was a bad idea. Pant is a bit to soft, or I am a moron when it comes to buffing.LOLOLOL
Update: Sanding is completed. Started with 1000 grit, then 2000 grit. Washed all the junk off, had to clean the garage floor after that wet sanding mess. Then it was rubbing compound time. Tryed a few different combinations until I go the results I wanted with out my arms turning into jello. 3m heavy duty rubbing compound followed by some 3m light. The last one is real fine cut. The pic's below are just after compound. There is no wax on it yet.

In this pic you can see the transition between sanded and compounded.
looks really good but i think the big question is when the hell are you putting it back together? i want to see it done.
Let the rigging begin!!!!!!!!!:cheers
Boat has been compounded and rubbed. 2 coats of Zaino and its ready to rig.
Mounted the pop-up cleats and fuel fill to see how it would look. Not bad.

