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What do you pull your checkmate with??

2006 Silverado Extended Cab




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When the camper is in the drive, I can't get the boat out of the garage with the tahoe. Need to do some more paving next year. It even matches!!




Tow Vessels

I have a couple depending on the mission The Tundra was exchanged for a Landcruiser several years ago. But the workhorse has been the 1990 4Runner with 300k miles. I have pulled F250's with 28' Grady's out of the boat ramp with this SUV that refuses to die. :lol:


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For towing on the highway I use the loser cruiser, 07 montana

For launching at the cabin the 09 AWD Vibe does all the loading, looks a little funny hooked to the pontoon boat but it works way better than the van.


And for the long trips I don't piss around:bigthumb:


I'll be going for the longest distance traveled and the biggest truck award at the owners rally :thumb: and hey then I don't have to stay in a tent:p
:pYou sure that truck can handle pulling the mate all that way! Thats gonna be great seeing you pull in with that set up:) Thinking ??are you gonna pull it or just put it on the tandems.
I'm not really sure yet, three options to think about, the wheels have been turning in my head trying to figure out the best solution, I can get within 7 hours of LC for free with my semi.

Option #1 The original plan was to load it on my drop deck and take it as far as Bristol, IN, then pick up trailers and go home and get the van and wife and pick up the boat on the way down, then drive all the way home with the van and boat.

Option #2 load the van and boat on my drop deck and haul it to Bristol, drop the trailer and van in Bristol and tow the rest of the way down with the semi, then go back to Bristol and load trailers and have the wife drive the van and boat home, not sure if I like this one, not that she's a bad driver but that's a long drive for someone that never leaves town behind the wheel.

Option #3 which is my favorite so far is to load the boat on the drop deck and drive to Bristol, drop the trailer and tow the rest of the way down and then on the way home load the boat back on the trailer and only bring back 2 cargo trailers instead of 3, this will cost me a fair bit in lost freight charges but might be the best option.

I really want to make this happen, it would be cool to meet everyone and see all those checks, you just don't see any checks around here, by that I mean I've maybe seen 4 besides mine ever on the lake or road.

Oh yeah Option #4 is to fly down and wait at the nearest rest area till I see Brian or Nick trolling looking for some action and jump in with them, there sure to be hanging around those types of places then just sit on shore on get drunk and watch all the boats go by.:thumb:
Ross, thats a nice looking Dodge. What year? I have an 05. Looks like you have the front leveled, looks good. Enjoy it. :cheers:

thanks, its an 06. yes it's leveled, got a really good deal on it! i know a guy that runs a used car dealership here in town;)
brought home the new tow rig today:D



cant wait to haul the 251 home with it:drool:

I didn't figure it'd take you long to get pics up of it! :thumb:

Your wife's truck will look great pulling your boat! ;) You got a smokin' deal on a sweet truck thats for sure!
Very nice! Passat is a diesel I presume? I'm gonna tow mine around the neighborhood with the wife's Venture minivan to see how it does. Should be more economical for short trips than my big diesel pickup truck is.

Very nice! Passat is a diesel I presume? I'm gonna tow mine around the neighborhood with the wife's Venture minivan to see how it does. Should be more economical for short trips than my big diesel pickup truck is.


Yes, this Passat has a 2,5L V6 Diesel-Engine with 210hp (chip-modified), 4-Motion, may pull 2,2 tons, topspeed 143mph (no speed limit on some freeways here :thumb:)

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