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What do you pull your checkmate with??

Only a bit over 80 because I had the 25" High-5 on it most of the summer.
I was hitting the rev limiter, but she was screamin with 3 heavy people in the boat.

I just winterized her this past WE.

I'll have to get busy next spring. (or move to FL)
New to me.. I just picked up a 05 Dodge 1500 reg cab/short box 4WD with 40,000 miles on it.. Never saw SNOW.. Yes , It's got a HEMI..Damn it,, I have to learn to post pics..:confused: It's in Photobucket account
Don - Just copy the link that starts with and post it here.

Keith - Is there a pimp somewhere looking for his car right now?

I'm trying..
You're getting there Don. Underneath the picture on Photobucket is 3 or 4 different links. If you left click on the one that starts with IMG your browser should say "copied" for a momement somewhere near the link. After that just come back here, open a message, right click in the message window, and left click "paste" in the window that pops up. Then you will have posted the full size image link.

Here's mine. I think I have just a bit too much tongue weight cuz it makes the truck squat a bit more than I would like.



An add on airbag system will correct that and keep your front tires planted where they belong.

I have been considering that. I think it might have something to do with the coil springs Dodge went to in '09. It wasn't supposed to effect the towing capacity, but they may be a bit softer than the leaf springs.

Also, that is with a 6" drop hitch, which is where the trailer measured pretty level. I am wondering if just using a 4" hitch would help a bit also. I have a 4" hitch also, just haven't tried it yet.
I could be wrong but I don't think the hitch will effect your tounge weight. There is a helper bag offered from airlift that actually mounts inside coil springs, that will save a lot of money versus the setup for leaf springs as there are less brackets to purchase and install. They may also offer a higher capacity coil spring but that will change the ride quality when empty.
The first thing I would do is measure the total weight of the rig and then set the tongue weight accordingly. It should be 10% of the total weight and you can adjust is by moving the boat as well as the axle(s) on the trailer.
what kind of trailer is that? my 251 on the trailer has very little tounge weight.....two guys can lift it on and of a truck. my 06 dodge half ton doesnt squat much at all, even though it looks like it due to the leveling kit on the truck....
if you look at the clearence between the back tire and the body it's not bad at all, but due to the leveling kit it looks like its bad


the truck w/out anything on it....

what kind of trailer is that? my 251 on the trailer has very little tounge weight.....two guys can lift it on and of a truck. my 06 dodge half ton doesnt squat much at all, even though it looks like it due to the leveling kit on the truck....
if you look at the clearence between the back tire and the body it's not bad at all, but due to the leveling kit it looks like its bad


the truck w/out anything on it....


Man, that boat looks huge on the back of that dodge.. Can't wait to see what my 20 footer will look on the back of my reg cab..Nice combo.. Love that boat..:thumb: