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What do you pull your checkmate with??

no pics. yet, but we just bought a 09 Pontiac G8 GT to haul "Nanner Puddin" around instead of my D'max dually. no I don't have pics yet, I need to build a hitch this winter. here in the US you can only get a hitch rated for 1500 lbs, but in Australia (where the car is from) the car is rated to tow up to 4500 lbs.
New to me 08 F150 Lariat. Matches the hull of the Eluder. Plus the boys now have leg room in the back.

Before he tells I'm gonna guess mid to low 12's in the 1/4.
I've seen big diesels go mid 11's when modded like this one seems to be.

I agree with that. When I had my mid 11's Ford Lightning, the owner of JDM Engineering had a lifted f350 diesel that ran 13.2 in the 1/4 with the trailer on the back and his lightning in it!
imelmo good job I know getting a Powerstroke to hold the kind of power it takes to run mid 11's takes alot of work. do you do any sled pulling?

I did once with my old truck:



Managed to get 3rd out of a field of 30+ trucks though. :D That truck was a blast. It was an '02 with the 7.3 (the white one is an '04 6.0) and managed a best of 12.18 on 37" Toyos at 8300lbs with me in it. But at that weight it wasn't very transmission/rear end friendly, lol. :brickwall: The white truck "only" weighs 7000lbs with me in it and half a tank of fuel.

Has anyone pulled with one of the new F150 EcoBoost trucks yet? I hear they're supposed to be some bad mamma-jammas.
